[@Oddsbod]Absolutely lovely. Normally I'm not a huge fan of passive characters since they're a bitch and a half to get involved in plots, but considering the power at Eissens disposal I could see more then a few people scheming to strip her of the power she holds without the messy complications that come with it. So she'll get dragged into things regardless of her desire to become involved. It's just a matter of time. My only real complaint is the Campr spell. What do you mean "prevent its master from invoking it again in the immediate future"? I'd a more through explanation of that that entails. Once that's settled Eissen is accepted in my book. [quote=@Lexicon] First, what Tales are considered authority figures in the New World? [/quote] Honestly Lexi the Tales in the roleplay are probably asking themselves the [i]sames thing[/i]. When everyone comes from different roots and every other Tale used to be a Prince or Princess or some other royalty back in the Homeland, who has any kind of right or mandate to lead? [i]The smartest, most charismatic Tales who can unify the community? The strongest, most powerful Tales capable of directly enforcing their rule? The 'pure' of heart with the best intentions and squeakiest of reputations? [/i] That's pretty much the central conflict of the roleplay. Like Drag said at the moment there's really no power structure outside of a loose council, and even then they don't have any official authority. Outside of the Crier, maybe a few sheriffs of sort, there's no strictly enforced law outside of self-policing and self regulating amongst the community itself. There's no one in charge and no real safety net should things go to shit. That's why the community is a powder keg just begging for people to start playing with matches. It's a glorified free for all where people with honest, selfish, or outright frightening intentions have a chance to take control through a variety of means. Force, manipulation, mass appeal, legitimate election, est. So Boogie has just as much of a right of becoming leader as anyone else. As for mentioning Merlin, Tom Thumb, and Peter Cottontail, it's alright as long as you don't go establishing details about them. I wouldn't want someone coming along to claim those characters with a specific idea in mind only to be told that someone [i](with a character unrelated to the characters in question) [/i] already established key details. "Yeah those ideas are nice and all but the Boogey Man's player already decided that Merlin was a senile nudist, Tom Thumb was a miniature cannibal, and Peter Cottontail is a cracked out junky who draws furry porn online for a living." So passing mentions are fine as long as you don't entail to establish any major relationships or specific details regarding those characters.