[@Bazmund] Ah! the "Post-Apocalyptic," and "survival of the fittest tricked me! I see though. The Iron Dominion is just a version of a capitalist country, with no organized crime allowed. Though I beg to differ on one part: Money talks bigger than any other law. One should be able to get away with most things with it, save for all the violence and blatant disregard of the law, shouldn't someone be able to con people, especially the less fortunate, as it happens today? Of course, being subtle is a huge part of it. Also...yeah. I went a bit overboard. My intention was to forbid him from using guns, though I obviously forgot about it the moment I started making the guy. Here is another one though: [Hider= Adrion Lingway] [center][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/6276/f/2017/125/4/a/nekonay_commission_huntress_edited_smol_by_hjeojeo-db88k6o.jpg[/img] [h3][color=fff200]Adrion Lingway[/color][/h3][color=fff200][i]"Wouldn't it be cool if we could CURVE an arrow?!"[/i][/color][/center] [color=fff200]Name:[/color] Adrion Lingway [color=fff200]Age:[/color] 17 [color=fff200]Race:[/color] Human [color=fff200]Appearance:[/color] 5'5", Adrion is relatively short with a small build weighing no more than a 150 lbs. What he misses in size though, more than makes it up with a fierce glare from his eyes. Though small, he is rather well built from years of haunting in the wilds. The wilds though are not kind, riddling Adrion's young body with a few considerable scars. Most noticeable is small dash across his left eyebrow from a claw a few inches too close to his eyes, as well as half a pinkie's slash above his right eyebrows. His eyes are of a light brown, with dark hair usually grown to his shoulders, though for the first time in forever he had cut it upon joining the World Council. [color=fff200]Nation of origin:[/color]The Oakheart Sovereignty [color=fff200]Personality:[/color] Adrion is a trickster at heart, a fool who loves to laugh loudly, albeit a [i]bit[/i]too loudly, and make companions as much as he adores hunting a beast for days on end, his life hanging on a thread as thin as his bow's. Oddly enough, though Adrion enjoys a habit of breaking norms, he is a disciplined hunter and a hard worker, most likely because of his Master, Tawarthion Lingway. Spending most of his time in the forests, Adrion has grown a found love for animals. [color=fff200]Biography:[/color] Adrion was an orphan, his parents forsaking him in front of a monastery for reasons unknown to him when he was three years young. The people of Oakheart detest such irresponsible acts, yet they could not simply turn the little child away. Reluctantly, they named the boy and began to teach him there ways. It did not work. Adrion grew into a stubborn and violent kid, which was odd considering his peaceful environment. At the little age of 10 he showed defiance and hostility to quite nearly everything, most of the time without reason or due cause. The monks had grown entirely frustrated with the boy, yet they knew not what to do with his kin. They are no mothers after all. Adrion made trouble, skipped out on his duties as a brother, and most often than not made attempts at mockery; something the order highly disproved of. Their efforts at educating Adrion were all in vain, their teachings of peace and calm not finding residue in the little boy. The boy spent most of his time in the forest, alone and without companionship. The monks feared for him, and called to the assistance of Tawarthion Lingway, one of the Elvish Masters whom are regular visitors of the monastery, proposed to utilize this boy's ardent energy. "Give him something he could play with." Tawarthion told the monks, in which he was only returned with a perplexed look. Tawarthion, sighing, took the matter upon himself and taught the boy how to hold the bow with the correct form, of which Adrion promptly disregarded with the utmost annoyance. The firsts arrows flew horribly off the mark, even when Tawarthion customized the bow for Adrion's small body. Disappointed with the poor results, Tawarthion left the undisciplined kid to his own devices. He succeeded in making the kid busy, but as a Master Of The Bow, he was extremely unsatisfied with the sub-par results. [i]You either have it or you don't.[/i] Thus Tawarthion's surprise was in the following year, when he would return and see the radical transformation. It wasn't in his aim, as Adrion was far from a natural. It was the change of character. The hostility of Ardiot's hazel eyes had regarded Tawarthion with vanished, replaced by an unquenchable curiosity. A stark [i]hunger[/i] was evident in Ardiot. In the year that Tawarthion had gone, the boy had fallen in love with the bow, playing with its strings until his soft fingers bled. His usual pranks in the monastery gave away, his blatant disregard of the order dwindled as he became increasingly enthralled with the bow, as well as history of wars and their tactics, something the peace loving monks also disproved of, yet they could not bring their hearts to forbid it from Adrion. The boy truthfully seemed alive, smiling and laughing and always seeking the assistance and guidance of his brothers, which was in turn repaid it with gratitude and a completion of his duties. In and out, every few long months Tawarthion would visit the monastery, guiding Ardiot's path in marksmanship, hunting, knowledge, tactics, and medicine. When Adrion reached the age of thirteen, Tawarthion decided on his second apprentice. Seven years later, after many adventures and nights in the wilds, Tawarthion truly grew attached to the boy, as did the boy, taking Tawarthion's last name to his. Yet Tawarthion could not simply drag him for the rest of his life. He must let the boy live experience life on his own. Reluctantly, and after imparting most of his knowledge onto the boy, he had sent Adrion to the World Council with a recommendation. [color=fff200]Skills:[/color][list] [*] Apprentice Of Life: [color=fff200] An apprentice for most of his life, Adrion learned how to [i]learn[/i]. As long as Adrion enjoys the occupation, Adrion will attempt to learn it. He strives for knowledge, though his ineptitude at most tasks limit his mastery greatly.[/color] [*] Bow Expertise: [color=fff200] A ruthless Master Hunter, the love of the bow, and an endless energy--the perfect concoction to Mastery[/color] [*] Forest Affinity: [color=fff200] Adrion has the knowledge, had haunted the beasts and made his nest in the tallest of trees. No home is a greater to him than the dirt and mighty beasts of a great forest.[/color] [*] Beast Lover: [color=fff200] Spending most of his life in the forests had forbid him the chance at true companionship, the beasts of the forest being one of his only allies. Adrion handles most sane beasts exponentially well, avoiding confrontation and sometimes befriending them. This skill of course, does not work well when the beast is hungry.[/color] [*] Immune System: [color=fff200] Growing in the forest has its advantages. Adrion’s body is well guarded against sickness and poison. [/color] [/list] [color=fff200]Weaknesses:[/color][list] [*] Primitive: [color=fff200] Though Adrion loves exploring a variety of interests, machines are not one of them. A disdain towards the damage it had towards the forest renders Adrion extremely distasteful of using such vile machines. Tawarthion attempts at teaching the boy the rifle was met with stark rejection, one of the only few instances of Adrion blatantly refusing his Master.[/color] [*] A Hunter, Not A Soldier: [color=fff200] Adrion’s stubborn personality renders his regard to orders and laws nil. While he [i]might[/i] not blatantly break them, he is more proposed to avoid adhering to them.[/color] [*] Viscous and Tempered, Yet Muscle Lacking: [color=fff200] Just like the general population of The Iron Dominion, Adrion is quick to get into a brawl that he can not win.[/color] [/list] [color=fff200]Equipment:[/color] [hider=Composite Longbow] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/6978/f/2008/042/d/c/composite_longbow_by_clovenhoof.jpg [/img] [color=fff200] Mighty and fancy bows exist for Masters, not Apprentices.[/color] [/hider] [list] [*] Arrows and Daggers: [color=fff200] One needs little else to make a living [/color] [/list] [/hider]