[center][h2][color=#FFA500][u] [b]Katsuragi Ari[/b] [/u] [color=#FFA500][sup][sup]Current Location: The Fountain, Kanna Academy[/sup][/sup][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rZjt3nL.png[/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center] Ari turned to greet both of her new friends when she had noticed both of them had arrived to the stated location. She was a bit tired, doubtlessly from having to wake up early enough to reserve the fountain for their group, but Ari had drank some of the expensive tea that her parents sent the swordswoman. It was only a matter of time before her weariness faded away, and Ari was back to normal. [color=#FFA500]"Good morning, Dai-kun. An-chan."[/color] Ari replied to each of her friends with a smile situated on her lips, but it quickly faded away when Anna didn't seem to stop panting and breathing hard. [color=#FFA500]"A-Are you okay, An-chan? I heard that if you put your hands on your head, and breath in through your nose and out your mouth, it'll be easier to catch your breath!"[/color] The harsh breathing from Anna bothered Ari, and she surely didn't want the girl to keel over in front of the swordswoman and be rushed to the school's infirmary. Hopefully, once Anna had caught her breath, Ari looked back at Daizo. He was oddly upbeat after being caught in a fight between students, and Daizo was almost smirking to himself as he mentioned Akihito's punishment. [color=#FFA500]"I hadn't heard anything since the two of you were called to the office, but what about you, Dai-kun? I know you weren't the one that started the fight, yet surely Akihito-san must've tried [i]something[/i] to get you punished."[/color] Truth be told, Ari wasn't exactly sure who started the fight. She had arrived on the scene after it was already underway, but the swordswoman felt that she had to break it up. Surely Daizo would have been punished if he was the one that started the fight, but his attitude was telling Ari the opposite. The boy was in a good mood, and didn't seem to have any sign of exhaustion on him, besides early morning tiredness. Upon hearing the news about the attack, Ari nodded to Daizo. [color=#FFA500]"No, no. You're fine, Dai-kun. I was watching the news myself after I had woke up. Not everyone feels the same sympathy to their cause, but don't you believe that it hurts their cause by attacking the schools? Certainly, the death of many students wouldn't cause their families to rise up against the government."[/color] Ari replied as her mind was conflicting her thoughts about the news report. Yes, people were angry about the enslavement of their children into the military. That was an obvious given, and one often saw protests throughout Japan, yet the intellectual side of the swordsman delved deeper. Ari felt it was suspicious that, if in the case there was any link between the protesters and the terrorists, they would choose to attack a school filled with the children they desperately wanted back home. Why were so many of the terrorists captured and arrested instead of being killed as well? There was too many holes in the news report, but Ari didn't dare bring up her conspiracy theory on school grounds in fear someone might overhear her words and turn the swordswoman in. [hr] [center][@Xikari chan], [@lant green][/center]