[img] http://cdn.travelpulse.com/images/99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999/53b0282c-57b1-e411-8b9f-0050568e420d/630x355.jpg[/img] [center][h1][u]A Royal Wedding[/u][/h1][/center] The small country of Odristan is hosting a masquerade ball. It isn’t any masquerade ball however. The ball signifies that the Crown Prince and Heir Apparent to the throne is to be wed, one year from the day of the masquerade. The masquerade is open to any noble household with a woman of marrying age, any noble household who does not have an eligible woman may sponsor any woman whether she be noble or commoner to represent their house instead. Your first encounter with the Prince will be at this masquerade ball at Sirenchester Castle. [hider=The Crown Prince] [b]Name/Title:[/b] [i]His Royal Highness[/i] Prince James Luke of Odristan, Duke of Duskmore [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Looks:[/b] [img]http://omgcutethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/prince-of-sweden-008-05202013.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1c/a5/77/1ca5776df5ba29798b1b6d118d2434e0.jpg[/img] [b]DISCLAIMER: THESE ARE PICS OF A REAL PRINCE, [I]HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS[/I] PRINCE CARL PHILIP OF SWEDEN[/B] [B]Personality:[/b] His actual personality will come out in the RP. He is known for being reserved with the press, staying out of the public eye despite his prominent position in the royal family. [b]Other Information:[/b] He is the second oldest son, but his older brother passed away six months ago. James’ older brother, [i]His Royal Highness[/i] Prince Christopher Daniel, May He Rest In Peace, passed away from an unknown illness at the age of 30, leaving behind his wife but no children. Prince Christopher was known for being a cold and distant royal, but he had good business sense. He was a no nonsense kind of man so it is suspected that Prince James is similar.[/hider] [b]Notable Houses:[/b] Wilkinson [s]Brisley[/s] Cusby Bran [s]Mycroft[/s] Goodheart [s]Figgins[/s] [center][h2][u]Your Characters[/u][/h2][/center] You may submit an application as either a woman vying for the Prince’s affections or as a male who is the Prince’s friend or rival. Even as your character is vying for the Prince’s affections it is possible for you to fall for other players (and encouraged, it keeps things interesting.) If you are submitting a female character she must either come from one of the houses listed above or be sponsored by one of the houses above. If sponsored she can literally be anyone, even just a pretty bartender. If you are submitting a noble character keep in mind that she will have had the finest education and be more aware of what is expected of the potential future queen. Once your character has been accepted I will give you more information via PM about your character’s house. [b][u]Application[/u][/b] [noparse] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Looks:[/b] [b]House:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Anything Else:[/b][/noparse]