Luna smiled at Juliette, [b]"Well, that sounds great, I'd love to hear her sing, it's been a while since Ive heard such things"[/b] Glancing over to what was happening, Luna knew what the old bat was doing. She wasn't going to let herself be ignored. [b]“Not dazzled, ma’am. Just wondering how someone can put so much…emphasis on materialistic things. I find it's people that make life worthwhile, not things. And I certainly find that it's people that aren't afraid of me that do so. What's the point in being with people if all they are going to do is jump at your orders? Seems a sad life to me”[/b] she knew that she was walking a rather fine line, yet despite everything, Constance was one of her people, and she was about to let the...well, naive girl be sucked into this woman's influence, no matter how alike Constance was to the old bat. And really, she had Constance to thank for this rather remarkable ability to stand up to such…brashness. Although Luna was sure that the old bat was going to be more of a challenge then Constance, it was nevertheless amusing to see the woman try so hard to make it clear that Luna wasn't worth her time. If someone had to try that hard, then it was quite clear that she was worth the time. Luna gave a chuckle [b]“you're right, Ma’am. It appears I am lacking in the finery of life, if that means sucking up to people like you. In my experience, you must earn that right. So far, all I've seen is you...well, getting others to do your work. I find you can measure someone on how they treat others. Constance here, while she...well expects things we can't give her, has held her own rather remarkably. She certainly has more, and here I go showing my barbaric side, balls then you.”[/b] She smiled pleasantly, looking towards Constance, even as she moved towards Juliette's side. Perhaps those there might learn a thing or two from Luna about not letting someone like this old bat walk over you. [b]“Isn't that right Constance? Ah, I forgot to get your bandages changed. We will have to do that later, must have slipped my mind, what with having the chance to go up in the plane.”[/b] She turned her attention to Constance, rather than the old woman, doing so smoothly. She was challenging the woman to either address her, or continue to let Luna chip away at her authority. Luna so hoped the woman would let her continue. [b]“Oh, Constance think of the stories we will have, going back home. I mean. You helped face down a monster. You helped when the ship was on fire. You got to where you are because of yourself”[/b] the unsaid words rang between them, [i]and you don't need this old woman controlling you.[/i]. She smiled, turning to Juliette, gently taking her hand, communication would be hard, given that they didn't seem to speak anything like the same language. [b]“Juliette? I'm Luna. I'm not going to hurt you, let's get you seated, shall we?” [/b]She kept her tone light, friendly, compassionate, wanting to convey that she was there to help, gently tugging on the girl's hand, to guide her to a chair. Doing so, she guided Juliette's hand to the chair, so the girl could seat herself, and then quite calmly stood beside the chair, not particularly wanting to leave her with this woman.