“Oh, well, thank you again.” She gave a respectful nod before heading from the library. Unfortunately for her, she had left her books and supplies in the history office, and going to retrieve them made her a little bit late to getting to class. She made it before the bell, however, though a lot of the class had already filed in and taken seats. The only ones left were in the back, where two others were having a conversation. Oh well, a seat was a seat. She set her bag down at one of the back row seats, double checking to make sure she had everything. Plushie, check. Books, pencils, checks. History catchup notes, check. Math skills… she never had those, so no check. She frowned to herself, taking out some paper and a pencil. Hopefully this wasn’t a ‘catch up from scratch’ course like the last; Math shouldn’t be too too different from what she knew, should it?