[@Rai] [color=00aeef]"Neat trick pappy. Wanna see one of mine?"[/color] [i]Auz pitched forwards into the ground, bearing the dagger before him so that it was driven into his left eye socket. He died immediately, and just like clockwork, respawned near the edge of the bridge several meters in front of the King. In his right hand was a strange longsword, thick near the base but thin past the middle. On the left a small jagged shield was strapped to the forearm, and clenched in a reverse grip was one of his stiletto knives.[/i] [color=00aeef]"In case you haven't figured it out already, I'm called 'Auz the Undying' for a reason. Now is a good time to run, though I doubt you have the sense to do so."[/color]