[color=gray]I didn't know the best name to call this roleplay. Since it's based on Magic Realism let's call it that for now. This roleplay is going to be based around Magic Realism, a dash of fantasy and sci-fi, a pinch of steampunk, a glop of magical mythical entities and a zap of adventures. [Center][h1]Flarin[/h1][/center] [img]http://www.thewallpapers.org/photo/73879/Escape-From-Planet-Earth-040.jpg[/img] Flarin isn't the only planet in the solar system though it's one of the only rocks of outer-space flarions can travel too. Other then the moon Flarion's have a Flarin's equatorial diametre is 51,542 km. Flarin has different gravity levels/pulls in different areas. Allowing the different species to adapt to their surroundings so unknown predators or visitors can try and figure out there ways to using the gravity. [hider=Species] Acceptable - [hider=Elves/Elf-like creatures] [b]- Elves/Elf like creatures -[/b] Usually having longer ears then the Flarion humans. Elves and elf-like creatures tend to have great balance, hunting skills, sneaking and a bond with nature. Usually living in the forest of Archu. These creatures mainly live off of a vegetarian diet. Average Male - 6'1" - 6'7" and weighing usually around 150-205 lbs.,. Average Female - 5'10" - 6' and weighing usually round 135-150 lbs.,. Both genders have an athletic slender build. Being very intelligent about nature and how to live and adapt to their surroundings. Elves and elf-like creatures know what their doing when it comes to natural topics. Never try to out beat an elf with knowledge about nature you will never win and if you do you might not have a friend in the long run. Elves do not accept being beat at their own game and they don't like it when other species know more then them. Elves/Elf-like creatures both live from 2,400 years - 2,500 years. [/hider] [hider=Humans/Flarions] [b]- Humans/Flarions -[/b] [FF - LAR - EE - ON - Z] Adventurous creatures that have to live among and deal with the magic creatures round them. Flarions don't mind the creatures that walk with them. Though some of them can be a bias group of individuals. Usually curious in young ages and even into adulthood. Flarions are always trying to reach outer-space, find new ways to do things or just play a game or two. This group of people usually tend to live in the cities, towns or country sides of the kingdoms. Llithun, Alboniak, and Rezhech are the three main kingdoms of Flarin. All together the Flarion population is 1.3 billion humans. Average male - 6'1" and weighing round 175 lbs.,. Average female - 5'6" and weighing round 140 lbs.,. Flarions do come in all different shapes, sizes, etc...a very diverse species. One of the most diverse on the planet of Flarin. Different skin colours/tones, different heights and weights along with different, intelligent levels. Flarion males usually live to 135 while Flarion females live to be 140. They're one of the species that have the shortest life span on Flarin. [/hider] [hider=Fairies] There are many types of fairies though they are all magical in one way or another. Never really having terrible magic. Fairies often have healing, nature based, or element magic. Oldest Level 1 Fairy lived to be 369. Oldest Level 2 Fairy lived to be 305. Oldest Level 3 Fairy lived to be 228. 1. Being tiny and helpless seeming. These fairies are small with clear wings. Usually very pale skin and big eyes. Usually taking on features of flarions and other creatures. These little fairies are a master of disguise and love to play hide and seek with people that have noticed their existence. When speaking with flarions. Fairies sound like a little tune that is soothing or highly annoying depending on the individual. These fairies usually have nature abilities. Controlling the plants and talking to, the animals. These fairies are quiet simple. Average Male - 1' and weighs about 1.5 lbs.,. Average Female - 10" and weighs about .5 lbs.,. 2. These fairies are short compared to the humans they live beside. Looking like a normal Flarion except their height. This species of fairy end up containing elemental powers. Mainly using these powers for good some do turn to a darker sense of magic. These fairies do not hold bug wings like their littler cousins. But, they are able to use one or two elements round them. Average male - 4'5" and weighs about 85 lbs.,. Average female - 4'2" and weighs about 75 lbs.,. 3. Being round the average human height. These fairies can both use natural magic and elemental abilities. Some have wings others have an amazing span of wings that look like hawks. Usually being darker colours some wings come out lighter. These fairies usually end up being able to have the ability to heal. Most of them end up becoming medicine makers, herb collectors, doctors, and along the line of these occupations. Average male - 5'10" and weighs about 150 lbs.,. Average female - 5'4" and weighs about 145 lbs.,. [/hider] [hider=Tree Spirits] Tree spirits are an interesting species Flarions haven't really figured out yet. Tree spirits are the protectors of the forest. They have the ability to turn into a humanoid creature that contains features of their animal appearance. Some can have this power while other's not. Most of the time looking like a normal deer, skunk or other creature. They end up being different/odd colours of fur, eyes, horns or hooves. Tree spirits are friendly as the live for all living forms of life. They are very helpful and can guide you out of the forest if you are lost. They know how to speak Flarin language though they sometimes talk in riddles causing the conversation to turn out upside down. Tree spirits also end up using body language to speak to others. Sometimes dancing to tell stories. Tree spirits seem to life forever. No one knows if these beasts can actually die or not. [/hider] [hider=Shapeshifters] Shapeshifters are mocking of Farions. They have a humanoid form that is sometimes clear or non-solid. They are a type of shadow or light. Being able to reflect different shadows and lights to other areas. They can turn into different shapes, objects, animals or even sometimes copy people. These mysterious creatures always love to hide. They can take a solid form though they seem to take a humanoid form out of a nightmare. Being twisted and ripped. Having no eye holes, noise holes and a skin stitched mouth of some sort, long limbs with long digits. Shapeshifters can also be known as Korik-lafu(boogie man). [/hider] [hider=Dorka] Vampire like creatures. These creatures live round 5,000 years. They feed off from Flarions and animals to keep their strength. Usually having Flarion features. They can sometimes look more alien then human. This species is known to being able to breed with Flarions. Causing an off-spring with wide eyes, porcelain doll features. Usually being mute and respect  called Floffaspring are n is up to 1,500 years. [/hider] [hider=Syveris] A plant creature with humanoid features. Usually living around 10-500 years depending on the species of Syveris. Syveris can be born with any plant like features and they do not adapt in dark places at all. Needing to stay by water sources and where the sun can reach them. Syverises love being bare foot or rooted. They are autotrophs and they, photosynthesis like a normal plant can. There size can be from the tiniest of flowers to one of an average Flarion. [/hider] [hider=Merfolk] Having gills round their jawlines, necks and even ribs area. They can't be out of the water for long periods of time. If they are, their body can either adapt as they become a Flarion forever or they have a chance of dying. Merfolk can be out of the water for eight hours before drying out. The average merfolk's life span is 250-265. Their gills end up hiding and any fishy part of them except for their fins in between their fingers, toes and other areas show. More humanoids once they come out of the water. Merfolk have a tendency of enjoying the water, being quick swimmers and trying to get other creatures to come in and play in the waters. [/hider] [hider=Dimension Species] Dimension species are capable of travelling into different Dimensions from the ones they were birthed in. Living up to 50,000 years old. Most disappear after the age of 45 thousand. Most dimension species are humanoid. Similar to Flarions though having a pair of wings erected from their back and containing magic powers. Dimension species guard different gates to different dimensions. Main ones that guard gates and sacred places end up loosing their sight, hearing, etc. One of their seven senses disappear. They are masters of chi, balance, spirituality, and life. Average male - 6'9" and weighs 210 lbs.,. Average female - 6'5 and weighs 196 lbs.,. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Locations] [hider=Gates of Dimensions] [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6e/1f/46/6e1f46c663e40513d7f307d89f05e039.jpg[/img] Jakquel the Guardian of the Dimensions lives round the area. Taking care of the gates making sure no one from Flarin passes through them without permission or reason. He makes sure that no one passes through the gate to the gates of Dimensions. [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8a/cb/70/8acb70988f14d270b8e50c9c8959bfa8.jpg[/img] To the many gates of dimensions you have to pass through this portal with the permission of Jakquel. [/hider] [hider=Rezhech] [img]http://wallup.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/10/275087-Might_and_Magic_Heroes_VII-artwork-fantasy_art-city.jpg[/img] Rezhech is one of the biggest kingdoms on Flarin. Holding the biggest population out of the three kingdoms. This area has a low gravitational pull to the centre of the planet. Causing pieces of land to float. This city is known for having the most intelligent characters among it. A great civilisation. With law systems, money systems, trading systems, education systems and more. This city is always growing larger and creating new ideas. Government system is ruled by one king and queen. [/hider] [hider=Llithun] [img]http://www.boorp.com/sfondi_gratis_desktop_pc/sfondi_gratis/sfondi_fantasy_draghi_fate/fantasy_citta_incantata.jpg[/img] The second the biggest kingdom. Llithun is known for it's mining systems. As well as the magical creatures that live among the Flarion's. This is one of the diverse kingdoms out there...you could say the most diverse really. They have systems similar to Rezhech. Though they are more of a peaceful community. Their government is ruled by a council all council members are different species. Giving everyone equal rights and says. Most prefer to live in Llithun. [/hider] [hider=Alboniak] [img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.iXOgdKgUA7E-bhKBdIgUkgEsCt&pid=15.1&P=0&w=318&h=184[/img] Alboniak is the smallest kingdom out of them all. Though it's the most technology wise kingdom. Having engineers, scientists and doctors. Alboniak is governed by one ruler (a president). They have different systems then the other kingdoms. Staying at a neutral station. You will never see Alboniak getting into war with the other kingdoms. Especially when the other kingdoms fear their military weapons. [/hider] [hider=Kesahi Swamp] [img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2012/12/19/25855/aaf39225359745ce2750c93a41e1abaa.jpg[/img] A small town lies in Kesahi swamp. Simple and living. This town has a population of 950 individuals. It's a trading centre between the high lands of Izaqel and the caves of Verdis. [/hider] [hider=Highlands of Izaqel] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/bb36/th/pre/f/2011/363/6/1/magic_city_by_aiyayo-d4kn9mc.jpg[/img] The highlands of Izaqel are a very calmed area. Mostly in the mountains of Izaqel. The living is to many delightful creatures. The main animals that live round this area are winged, goats or other climbing creatures. Izaqel is building up to become it's own kingdom and region on Flarin. Population of 5,000. Izaqel is creating it's own laws and different systems. Allying with Alboniak to keep it's becoming position. [/hider] [hider=Caves of Verdis] [img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2015/04/01/652147/97eff9483949b355f6de716841cc14ff.jpg[/img] The Caves of Verdis. Is ancient ruins of the once great city of Verdis which fell into the ground 7,846 years ago. Causing a species of reptilians to go on extinction and a species of cattle to die out quickly. These ruins are homes to Tree spirits and some fairies. [/hider] [hider=Triversity River] [img]http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1204/Fantasy_Elven_Village_018537__1303824.jpg[/img] Triversity River is a great fishing place. A mother tree most call it. She provides shelter, food and water for the ones looking for help. Most fairies live in the trees with a few flarions and different species. [/hider] [hider=Archu Forest] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6mqrbceMR1qhttpto2_1280.jpg[/img] Archu is the forest where the Elves live. High up in the Edon trees. The elves that spend their lives here learn how to fight, hunt, sneak, meditate and control themselves. Being very intelligent about nature they are taught from very young ages about everything round them and in different regions of the planet. [/hider] [/hider] [center][h1]Dying[/h1][/center] For an odd reason the nature around all are dying. The magical creatures seem to be getting sickly and the Flarions are seeming to feel at as well. Everyone is trying to figure out what is happening. To do that they need to venture to the Gates of Dimensions and talk with Jakquel himself. Though no one knows if Jakquel is alive himself. ...Maybe...just maybe Jakquel could be dead and that's the reason the nature is getting sick?... No one knows though adventurers come from their towns and villages to figure out what is happening. Fairies, tree spirits and other magical creatures venture to the Gates of Dimensions to figure out why nature is dying. Other animals come on the ride as well. [/color]