[center][h1][color=f26522]Alexander Furst[/color][/h1] [hr][@Crimmy] [@JBRam2002] [@GarlandDaHero][hr] Alexander's grip was a lot more firm than the vice-presidents as he tightly gripped the hand and shook it. Guess the guy either wanted to get straight down to business or they were a bit out there when it came to steering this club to say the least. Regardless, his shake was as firm as his face as he kept a straight-laced attitude the best he could as his hand drooped back to his bag. His hardened brown eyes never left the guy, and he constantly kept a frown as he placed his hand onto his hip. Alex sized up the vice president who gave a polite and subdued bow. Tilting his head, he nodded back as a polite way of responding to his own introduction. [color=f26522]"Mhm, otherwise I wouldn't be here for the time being."[/color] Wow, no ridiculous tasks the group would set him up to yet? No malevolence in his voice? This was a little too perfect, save for the ambience. Even the shrine maiden could overtake him and she seemed to not have such a strong presence as well. While his voice did stay completely serious, Alexander did flinch when the sudden frog popped up behind Okazaki, fleetingly pulling up a hand to shield himself as he winced a little. Once he saw the suit was possessed by an actually living being, his frown deepened, and the black-haired boy let out a slight [color=f26522]"tch"[/color] as he barred his teeth. Even though he was affable, his eyes darted between the vibrant young star and one of his classmates. Strictly speaking, he would see how long this would last before things ended up out of hand. At this point, he felt like the vice president could be suffocated by the stagnant air surrounding him. Alexanders hand held up instantly dropped the moment the introductions were underway. He jabbed his chin upwards and furrowed his brow. [color=f26522]"If you're going to be exciting again, don't do it in that ridiculous costume... frickin' frogs,"[/color] Alex glanced to the side, not bothering to stare at it as he uttered the last part under his breath. He shifted a little bit back from the frog-man, trying to ignore the fact that someone was occupying the frightening costume. [color=f26522]"Also, Ikari-san is far from being an acquaintance, I can say that much,"[/color] he shot out, eyeing the Black Widow Spider with a similar cold scowl. And then it all went to hell. Alexander blinked. His iris' widened. He blinked again and continued staring at this environment. He blinked, twice, three times the room, the people, they were all... what? What the heck? Where was everyone, was he alone with the vice president?... oh, no, Suzune and Kimiko were still there, along with some other girl standing at... wait. That was Kagami-san, great... another person from his class to brighten his day. Ok, but seriously, where were they? This was the school, right? Alexander eyed the crimson seeping from the walls, looked around the forlorn area and kept his jagged visage up. His face whipped from one place to another as he jammed one of his hands into his pocket and began toying around with the baton in his pocket, spinning it at a more frequent rate. [color=f26522]"Oh good, you guys went all out with the Otherworld special effects, impressive,"[/color] Alex jabbed, [color=f26522]"Y'doing something that was inspired by the s-series I guess?[/color] He stuttered as he continued studying the emptiness. The geometry of this place... it felt... off... it felt horribly wrong... As he analyzed the place, when he came into contact with that [i]thing[/i] Alex then froze, staring into the maws of hell... or rather, the head of the frog costume Oogami was in. [color=f26522]"Alright, jus' what the hell is going on,"[/color] he said in a low, growling voice as he looked at everyone, possibly just as confused as everyone. [color=f26522]"Where did most of the Drama Club members go,"[/color] he spoke as if Okazaki had all the answers, trying to hide his frantic voice as he gestured towards the now vacant seats of the room. [color=f26522]"Oogami, you have any answers,"[/color] he questioned, motioning over to the garments that stood in place with its head down, unmoving, still as a mere statue. No response. He... he didn't like that. [color=f26522]"... hellooooo, Frogger,"[/color] he inquired in his hardened voice, gradually inching over to where the costume was. As much as he hated to brandish his weapon, this was eerie enough to warrant [i]some[/i] usage versus self-defense. Extending the baton and his own arm, he barred his teeth weakly as he prodded the costume with the batons tip. [color=f26522][i]"Ok, calm down Alex, this is either a dream or you're hallucinating..."[/i][/color] Yeah, that was reassuring. This place felt too real to be a dream, yet too distant to be mere hallucination. Maybe Little Miss "Obsessed With The Miko" shoved him to the pavement and knocked him out. Maybe those headaches over velvet got to him earlier and in reality he was lying on the sidewalk passed out. These all sounded like highly unlikely solutions and yet he wanted to believe those instead. Because honestly... this was uncanny to a pint. And the echoing shrieks throughout the vicinity only worked to increase his sense of dread at all.[/center]