[center] [b]Name:[/b] Azaria [b]Age:[/b] Twenty Three [b]Looks:[/b] [hider][IMG]http://i349.photobucket.com/albums/q391/ohsosaiko/F3AE1B25-373B-421D-AB35-ABA83F1AAEBA_zpscgvmn5iz.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]House:[/b] Bran [b]Personality:[/b] While she may come across as the shy type when you first meet her, she opens to you rather quickly - if she likes you that is. While she wouldn't be the type to introduce herself first in a social setting, her witty charm allows for her to engage in conversation quite well if approached. She can be a little mysterious at times, usually only behaving in this manner for her own amusement. She loves to read and her nose will be buried in a book about 99% of the time. She is a bit adventurous, due to all that she has read, and will try new things before even thinking them out. She sometimes jumps too quickly into things (which most would say is her biggest flaw), which can put her in [i]quite [/i]the predicament at times. [b]Anything Else:[/b] She loves animals. [/center]