What could be said for young Hans Olsen that hadn't already been said already? Not much could be said too be completely honest. Hans was now a stranger in a new country that he had escaped to in order to find some peace in his life. He loved his home but sometimes it got to be too much for him. At least here studying in a foreign country he didn't need to worry about life throwing unexpected curve balls at him. Japan was a place where he was more or less a shadow. No one especially cared too ask a foreigner much of anything beyond a few simple questions here and there. More over Japan itself was pretty standard even if it's foreign outlook made it look outlandish, and weird. It was all a bunch of stereotypes that really meant nothing to the young Norwegian at the end of the day. There was only one way of life that suited him here to be quite frank: A quiet one. Hans never craved for popularity until he lost most of his friends and then somewhere along the line he kinda just gave up on the subject. People were finicky now of days and tried to use you. He'd still give people the benefit of the doubt but there always that nagging suspicious nature in the back of his mind that made him distrust some people, and girls especially. Still Hans wasn't thinking much as he spent his time going around the park jumping around and going about doing what he did best: parkour. He felt much more alive jumping over benches, or climbing up trees than he did anywhere else. There was no need to worry about people, or whatever curve ball life would throw at you when you were doing this because you needed to focus. It was a simple hobby that required little in the way of money, and physically improved his own body. He enjoyed doing it because of that, and because he was actually pretty good at it after so much time practicing. He didn't need to talk, and he didn't need to show off he could move at his own pace, and usually pick his own stunts. It was that freedom to do what he wanted to do that let Hans enjoy himself. So he kept jogging, and then jumping, and then climbing and rinsing and repeating. He didn't need to act like it was a strange thing to do. Parkour was popular in Japan too with the advent of some T.V shows so some people would probably assume he was training for that sort of thing, or another. Still as he jumped from one place to another, and tried to push himself Hans's only other thought was of what he was going to eat once he got back to the dorm.