"I don't know why he wouldn't want to help his family." Julan responded. "The reason he's always doing dangerous things is because he is trying to make things better for us. I just want things to get better for you too." Letting out a sigh, Julan knew that whatever decision his parents made was probably out of his hands now. They had left to talk among themselves, and he had never been able to change their minds afterwards once they made a decision together. "If they don't help...what do you think you'll do? How much time do you think you have tonight to talk?" --- Even before they stepped out of the room, Kaleeth's expression was gloomy at best. She was obviously sympathetic for the girl, but she also had more of an understanding of the realities of the situation. Regardless of her own thoughts on what she would want to do, she also did not want to try to force Janius to do something that he really wanted to avoid. "I feel sorry for the girl. I remember how my mother felt when my brother died. I think she wanted to do the same kind of thing that your parents seem to be doing with Aurana, but my father eventually talked her out of it." Kaleeth began. Although, she was not entirely sure what kind of a point she wanted to make with her story. "What do you think about all of this? Do you think they're telling the truth about it?" --- Meesei had not yet gone to sleep. As she so often did, she had been focusing on her responsibilities in lieu of rest. She had decided to go to Areldril for a long conversation about some of the details of the revaluations he had given them. But, even after that conversation, she was not yet finished. There was another conversation that Meesei felt needed to happen, and one she did not want to delay. If Meesei had to guess, she would say that Lunise was most likely going through something of an existential crisis. What Lunise had read in those stolen documents was potentially world-shattering for someone who had been such a loyal servant of the Thalmor. It shed a whole new light on the narrative she had been given, and in all honesty, Meesei was not certain how it would affect her. Certainly for Meesei, she knew that she would not be able to give any long-term support for the Thalmor if she intended to keep the world intact. For Lunise, Meesei wanted to determine how this news would affect her, and, if possible, help her make that decision. Approaching the door to the room that Lunise had appropriated, Meesei gave a few brief, but loud knocks.