Having had the time to adjust to the shocking sight of the quite massive creature lying dead in its own web, the hunters began a quick withdraw to avoid alerting the smaller brood. Before they made it all the way out of view, there was just one thing they needed to check... and as far as they could see from here, there was webbing all over the source of light. It would not be too outlandish to assume the fresh air pushed through the very same breach in the wall. They didn't quite have the time to figure out whether that led directly outside or if there was still some way to go since they evacuated themselves from the vicinity of the fuzzy presumed offspring of the larger, now lifeless beast. The hunters stopped between two bookshelves, marking anything of note on their way there. For a library, this place seemed to mostly have been made to fulfill the purpose of storing books, not much else. Sure, some rugs remained on the floor to muffle the step of the intrepid scholar and the walls had some decoration to them as well, but beyond that there were simply the bookshelves and the books they carried. One of the group managed to spot a piece of wood on the ground at their feet. Perhaps something had been broken recently? It had not gathered much dust. [@Lord of Evil][@Dusksong]