Ta-da! [i](Edited!)[/i] [hider=The Monkey King] [CENTER][color=D2691E][h3][Murdok][/h3][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dsZ2FYD.jpg?1[/img] [CENTER][SUB]Image accurately represents clothing, loose fit, matrial arts gi/attire. Typically accustomed by a cloak/robe which is worn. The man also shows a fascination/favor for beanies and headbands. Shoewear is 'ninja' tabi.[/SUB][/CENTER] [/CENTER] [b][Birth NAME][/b] [indent]Shugo Fukunaga [i][First, Last][/i][/indent] [b][GENDER][/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][AGE][/b] [indent]17[/indent] [b][PERSONALITY][/b] [indent]Ornery, aloof, blunt, and shows tendencies of overall rudeness and mischievousness. Calling 'Murdock' an Anti-hero would be far to kind. Views the 'Heroes Dream' as a fools journey. Rather pessimistic, or lacks faith, concerning life and the 'good left within the world'. Fully aware of his bad temper/attitude, Murdok shows zero desire to change. Despite all prior statements, albeit hard, to gain Murdok's trust would be to gain an unwavering comrade and friend. Finally, loves to be a grouch. For he thinks, "Nobody spends time getting to know an asshole." [i](Which works perfectly for Murdok's aloof persona.)[/i][/indent] [b][BACKSTORY][/b] [indent]Mother and father were renown heroes, sadly both died [out on the field/during battle]. Murdok was left in the care of his only brother, who was twenty-three. Being a swiftly growing hero himself, Murdok was basically left to tend himself. Since Murdok's older brother possessed very little time to take care of him. Murdok possesses the same quirk as his mother, whereas the older brother possessed the same quirk as their father. [i](A gorilla-quirk, much like Murdok's.)[/i] Already a notable problem child under his brothers care. This factor increased ten-fold upon the vanishing of his brother. [i](Kumatetsu Fukunaga, [Hero name N/A])[/i] One month passed with Murdok under the 'foster-care' of another before he ran away. At age of thirteen Murdok was living on his own. Currently Murdok struggles with a severe criminal record due to his attitude, destruction of property, theft, and even a few deaths. Albeit those deaths were committed in self defense, they still reflect horribly on the boy. Belief Murdok is a 'diamond in the rough', 'a man constantly at the wrong place, at the wrong time', and 'absolutely needs to get his shit together, or risks being branded a villain'.[/indent] [b][QUIRK][/b] [indent][b]Monkey King/Sun Wukong[/b] - [Mutant-Class Quirk] Called "Monkey King/Sun Wukong" not only by users, but others. Name, with zero surprise, stems from the legends of the Monkey king. Users share physiology of a monkey or Ape. Body is covered in fur, except for face, palms and etc. Facial structure, eyes and even teeth resembles that of a massive humanoid Monkey. Yes he possesses a tail, and feet are alike hands, able to grab things/etc. [i](Murdok can only swing from his tail, briefly, any longer or sustained holding could prove harmful. Also, the tail is a major weakspot. Hence why it's always wrapped around his waist when idle.)[/i] Without training, Murdok possesses unnaturally high agility, stamina and strength. In no way, are his attributes further than ordinary human capabilities. Yet attributes far surpass his age and body-build. [i](Currently his agility is his most outstanding/notable attribute.)[/i] Also with enough work Murdok is likely able to achieve superhuman-status in previously stated domains. Final thing which should be mentioned, sharing physiology with apes causes vocal cords to be stronger or create sounds, howls and yells unlike a human could. Murdok displays considerable ability to mimic sounds, or throw his voice as well. [i](This factor also aids in beat-boxing.)[/i][/indent] [b][SKILLS][/b] [indent][b]Martial arts/CQC[/b] - Displays high knowledge and skill with fist fighting and overall close quarters combat. In fact, the atmosphere where people have seen Murdok most 'civil' is during times of training within a dojo. [b]Beats and Rhymes[/b] - Fascinated with the music scene of hip-hop, rap, and the like. Possesses a notable skill with creating beats, tempos and timing. Murdok also has a knack for rhyming. But, it's obvious his strong suit is producing/beats. [b]Soft-Steps[/b] - Living on the streets and doing other scandalous activities has left Murdok constantly moving with a silent stride. Or at least, typically moves as quiet as manageable without realizing it. Thus, can prove to be impeccably silent when decision to sneak is taken. [i](Of course, this skill, alike all others. Have an extreme amount of room for improvement and are the farthest thing from perfection!)[/i] [/indent] [b][SAMPLE POST][/b] [indent] Clumsy movements down the street screeched to a halt. Direction shifted and Murdok entered a nearby phone-booth. Persistent telephone rings became silenced upon the man answering it. Raised eyebrow of curiosity weakened as the words were listened too. The following sound could only be related to a local zoo. Murdok laughed, no, he howled due to what the person on the other line stated and said. Bracing himself on the wall and holding side which now ached, the phone dropped and began lazily dangling by the cord. A comical 'ppppbbbbbbbbbbtttt' echoed in the booth as Murdok collected himself from all the amusement. Standing upright, the phone was grabbed once more. Obviously the person on the line was very annoyed now, as Murdok could hear them well before placing phone to ear. "I do not wish to play hero. Never have and never wi-...." Sentence was cut short, previous cocky attitude went monotone. Which anger swelled and replaced, Murdok could swear the plastic of the phone was going to crack as grip forcibly tightened. A member of Tumble's agency was on the other line. Speaking of Murdok's brother had caused the reaction of anger and silence. [i]'I see a nerve has been struck, goood! Now, listen carefully Mister Murdok. Refusal of Tumble's offer is not an option. We both know this is your last straw and you risk being branded a villain. Concerning your brother.. You will get no better information, than what other heroes can provide. Thus, we expect to see you soon! Also stay out of trouble! Or else.....' *Click*[/i] Slamming of the phone hanging up was all that echoed now. Besides the normal hubbub of the streets, that is. Patting his pockets and person, Murdok withdraws a smoke and takes a long drag. To relieve stress and all. Kicking the door of the booth to a close, direction is headed to where he's needed. Or would it be better to say, forced to be? [/indent] [b][OTHERS][/b] [indent]Insults concerning his physiology are asking for immediate hostile reaction from Murdok. Nothing crawls under his skin more than a 'monkey-based' insult or comment. Heck, he even shows extreme awkwardness or irritation even at compliments to this subject. Murdok is also a die-hard smoker of cigarettes....[/indent] [/hider]