It was a confusing day for Hu-Shi Zhong, even though she didn't have to deal with any of the confusion head-on. That day, after her third-year tutor congratulated her in the achievement of finally catching up to the current course material for first years, she had received a couple of contradictory emails on her holopad, from separate people, telling her to go to different teams. Or, more like, they were telling her to either go to the squad that she was originally in, or to a new one. Most likely, the system for allocating teams was just acting up that day. Database problems was something that humanity could never get rid of, wasn't it? It was sorta funny, really, and brought a smile on Hu-Shi's face as she thought that. Taking one last look at the single room that she stayed in for the past 60 days, all her luggage and decorations having already been teleported to her new dorm. The Chinese girl had heard that dorms had gender separate bedrooms, and it was rather exciting, living in a boarding-school-esque dormitory, where everyone slept in the same room, on bunk beds, exchanging stories late into the night. Well, considering how most of the other students in her classes seem rather tired in the morning, perhaps it would be better to let them all just sleep at night instead. The Chinese girl never felt like she needed much sleep, but she knew from experience that not everyone could function properly on as little sleep as herself. She bowed once towards the empty room for putting up with her small eccentricities for so long, before leaving, a box in her hands. It was a shame that she hadn't thought to look up her future teammates on Luna Academy's (unofficial) team list database, or she would have definitely looked their names up on Spacebook and connected their names to their faces, but alas, cookies will have to do. She skipped out on lunch during her break to get into the cafeteria and bake them, after all, so they were as fresh as they could reasonably be. Butter pecan, chocolate chip cookies, and animal-shaped biscuits. The cafeteria staff were fine with her using the oven that long, thankfully. They had already baked their morning bread, and Hu-Shi was rather relieved that she wasn't imposing on them in any way. Opening the plastic container to take a whiff of the warm aroma of the confections, she smiled helplessly as her stomach grumbled. Seems like she'll be enjoying these cookies the most, after all. Finally reaching the dorms, she stopped just one foot away from the sensor, before bringing out her holopad, pulling up the 'Mirror' application, and just taking an extra minute to make sure that her appearance was on par that day. For the occasion, her black hair was done up in Chinese ox horns, one bun on either side of her head, her bangs thinner than normal. She would have like to have more time to adjust the asymmetry of her hairstyle, but, alas, she shouldn't keep them waiting for too long. Parting a strand of hair to the side, Hu-Shi took a deep breath, rehearsed her introduction, made a prayer to her ancestors, and then stepped forwards With a barely audible hiss, the metal doors parted and she stepped in with a warm smile of greeting. Five people were in the room, lounging about in the living area. There was a television mounted on the wall, but it appeared as if no one was focusing on it at the moment. Ah, that was right, she heard that there would be other new members as well. But no indication of WHO was new. Five people of different ethnicities. She could roughly guess what their nationalities were, but that was the extent of her ability. A blond male who wore shades indoors, one that looked like a sketchy gangster person with anger management issues. He looked like the type of person who liked their coffee bitter, because they were too 'manly' to enjoy sweet things. Next time, she'll have to prepare salty crackers as well then, with more traditional shapes than animals. The next person to draw her attention was another male, with a scruffier appearance. Based off physical description alone, the Chinese girl would have marked him off as a relaxed, lazy person who didn't like to wake up in the morning to shave. But she could see the anxiety and nervousness in his eyes, and that immediately marked him out as a Canadian. After all, it was highly unlikely that a country of red-blooded, patriotic, slightly xenophobic manly men would raise up a teenager who looked like he would be afraid of his own shadow. Then again, Hu-Shi will give him the benefit of the doubt. He was probably new to the team as well, and was nervous, meeting his new teammates. With her eyes settling on a member of the Aryan race, Hu-Shi could say that there definitely was a reason for that Canadian kid's fear. He was literally the only male in this squad that wasn't male or objectively handsome. The blond in shades gave off the aura of a bad boy who would probably be popular with girls in bars, while the short-cropped blond had the presence of a pretty pop song idol, the type to serenade people with lovely acoustic music. Compared to No-Shave-Boy, they were all so...sparkly. Yeah, Hu-Shi felt sorry for that Canadian. It must be hard, feeling so inferior amongst the lions. The girls on the other hand...they looked noticeably more ordinary than the guys. At least, there wasn't some punk rock girl with pink hair and tattoos on her face, even though that pale-haired girl had the poise of an ice queen. She looked like the leader of the group, if nothing else, with the other girl as her 'secretary', perhaps? So the 'top brass' of this team would be the girls. Considering what one of her history-nerd friends told her in the past, this was truly progress. Finally speaking, after her fifteen seconds of internal monologue was concluded, Hu-Shi said cheerily, [b]“Good afternoon, Squad One. I'm sure you've already heard from the Colonel, but I'm one of the original members of this team. Due to an accident though, I was hospitalized for quite a bit, but now I'm all caught up with the course material and fully recovered, so don't worry about me! Oh yeah, and my name's Hu-Shi Zhong, from China. My hobbies are knitting, gardening, and cooking, but I was thinking of trying out martial arts some time, so I would appreciate any help in that see...and I also baked some cookies. There's chocolate chip, butter pecan, and biscuits. Ah, but is there anyone lactose intolerant here? I made them using real milk, so that might be a problem.”[/b] With that, she placed the plastic container onto the table, opened the lid, suppressed the urge to eat one, and then finished, [b]“Hope you all enjoy it, and I'm always open to feedback regarding my cooking. Been trying out Western dishes recently, and it just feels so weird, not using rice.”[/b] Ah, she was probably forgetting something important, but she decided that she'll just remember it later, and instead, she took a seat at the far end of the wooden coffee table, in seiza position. Seemed like the dorm was pretty plain as well. She should work on that. It would be nice to have some more color in this place. Perhaps violets and viscarias first? And then move into camillas? Maybe, if they were allowed to mess with the walls, she could try doing one of those fancy hanging gardens...