[@Savo][@Suku][@GarlandDaHero][@JBRam2002] [b]NPC: Jihei Okazaki - Drama Clubroom?????, Saturday Morning[/b] "Youta-san would have been pleased to hear that," trailed off the Drama Club's vice president, dimmed eyes quietly looking around the depopulated club room. At first glance, he did not seem visibly perturbed by the stagnant facsimile of their school that now surrounded him, but it was clear that the greyibg walls, the rhythmic dripping of the blood-red fluid, and the heavy air was beginning to affect him too; his subdued aura was definitely more withdrawn than usual. "But ..." Youta Oogami was not physically present. The frog costume that the drama club's leads had been occupying mere moments prior was empty of life. Deflated and without support, the thing toppled over upon contact with another prod, falling forwards onto Alexander. There was no human inside. Only the heavy weight of a cartoon frog costume. Not only Oogami, but the rest of the drama club was gone. Vanished without a trace. Even Hanazawa, who had been happily chatting to the second-year kendoka metre moments before, was gone. Okazaki breathed in, trying to ignore the creeping chill of worry worming its tendrils into his heart. He didn't want to think of the worst. He didn't know what he could do. He was just the temporary stand-in. Meanwhile, the kendoka girl was already taking charge like nothing happened. As if an entire room of students had not disappeared before their eyes. He wondered where she found that resolve to immediately want to b head out. "It is 'something is rotten in the state of Denmark'," he corrected half heartedly, verbalising the words that club president would very likely have said had he been here. Yamamoto was finicky about his quotations, although a part of Okazaki wondered if he was using his leader as an excuse for his own affinity towards named extras like Marcellus. "Are you sure you will be safe going out?" He knew nothing of what could have transpired to the rest of the school. Venturing out seemed foolhardy. He would not stop her if she wanted to go, but were they in a good enough condition to leave? Ikari was more panicked than he had ever seen her, and the malevolent atmosphere was uncomfortably draining.