[hr][hr] [center][color=#FF69B4][h1]Isaura Reese Eldars[/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b3/f0/84/b3f084b4d096e541a769979505d3b217.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Abandoned Building - Alta Vista. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Georgina Anne Berglund ([@MissCapnCrunch]), Sebastian Monroe ([@December]), Ignatius Maddox llywelyn ([@Caits]), Connor Dunworth ([@smarty0114]), Kestin Alderson ([@MechonRaptor]), and Raven Newell ([@FantasyChic]).[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#FF69B4]“..a-ah...”[/color] The feeling of an arm wrapping around her middle caused her to lift her head, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she was pulled back, the warmth of Sebastian’s embrace ripped away from her and instead replaced by that of another. It wasn’t the first time she’d been pulled away from one of her friends, and she was more than sure that it wasn’t going to be the last. Especially when it came to Sebastian and Ignatius; she tended to get passed around quite a bit. [color=LightGreen]“Come on now, Isiesaura! Don’t be a party pooper!”[/color] Her head turning as she felt her back pressing against the warmth of another, Isaura lifted her gaze up, her dark eyes meeting with that of Ignatius as she listened to him speak, the smile she knew she wanted to show never seeming to come to the light of day as she shook her head, causing her long dark locks to brush back and forth over her shoulders with the action. It wasn’t that she was being a party pooper... or if she was, it wasn’t as though she was going around doing it on purpose; she was just worried. She couldn’t count how many times they had trudged, both willingly and unwillingly through the forests and the town... the number was just too high, and she had lost track so long ago. But what she was sure of was that never before had she ever come across this house... and either way, she didn’t have a good feeling about it... [color=#FF69B4]“..Iggie, stop... I’m not being a party pooper; I’m just trying to be reasonable... I-...”[/color] Pausing a moment, she glanced back over to the house, watching on as one by one her friends moved closer to it, some of them with the same idea as they began to try and get inside, [color=#FF69B4]“..I just don’t think this is a very good idea...”[/color] Dropping her attention down to the ground in front of her, Isaura sighed softly. Maybe she was being a bit of a downer… but really, could they blame her for being cautious..? None of them were. All they wanted was to rush into things without thinking; and nine times out of ten she was dragged into it. Heh, but then again, that was the issue when you hard a hard time saying no to those you cared about. Her mind pulled away from her current train of thought, Isaura’s body was spun around on the spot, surprise flickering across her features as she lifted her attention up, her dark eyes meeting with that of Ignatius as she brought both her hands up, letting them come to a rest over his chest. [color=LightGreen]“It will be alright! We just won’t yank the door hard. Have I ever led you astray, dear Isaura?”[/color] He had a point... between he and the others, she had rarely ever been let down or led astray. They had all been there for her at one point or another; lending her an ear, picking her up when she was down, making her feel like she had a place she truly belonged... Whenever she was with them, she felt brave... like she could do anything she wanted to; but even so... [color=#FF69B4]“Well… no, but-...”[/color] Her attention drawn away from him at the sound of a muffled ‘thud’, Isaura tore her gaze away from him, her dark eyes instead turning to look up at the building in time to see Sebastian’s familiar figure disappear through the broken window. And there it was again, clear proof that it was far too early in the morning for any of them to be doing anything other that sleeping because, obviously, no one but her thought this might have been a bad idea. Shifting nervously in his arms, she kept her eyes trained on the door, watching... waiting... and once she saw it open to reveal her best friend standing unscathed behind it, she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she had even been holding. She couldn’t believe it, he was joking around... they all were. Shaking her head lightly from side to side, Isaura dropped her head, her eyes closing as she tried to shove the thoughts out of her mind. Okay, so yeah, she was being a downer... but it wasn’t as though she wanted to be, [color=#FF69B4]“I-... I am not going in there- it doesn’t look stable... I don’t trust it... and besides...”[/color] Pausing, she lifted her head back up, her worried gaze meeting with Ignatius’ before she turned it back to the house in question, her fingers curling lightly over his chest as she seemed to press herself closer against him, [color=#FF69B4]“..something about this just doesn’t feel right...”[/color]