[@vancexentan] [b]NPC: The Park, Saturday Morning[/b] "So this is what kids do these days?" The source of the voice was a middle-aged man in a suit sitting on a park bench, cheese and tomato sandwich contained within a carefully-crafted prison of Glad-Wrap. His eyes, a dark brown, were watching Hans' activities with an analytical gaze, much in a manner akin to a chemist weighing his samples. Sleek black hair, coiffured impeccably, rested upon his head, and his terse face betrayed little visible emotion. He was quite a serious-seeming figure, especially when considering the impeccable formality of his clothing, and his stolidity in his tone and action did little to argue against that perception. "Don't you have a club to attend?" he asked even as he precisely unwrapped his sandwich to reveal the beautifully-made lunch inside the plastic cover. "Or doesn't your school do those?" He had not planned on talking to the high schooler in the trees at first, but even a solemn man like him was capable of curiosity.