[@Crimmy] Hans stopped his jogging for a moment he wasn't even sure what was going on at first but someone was talking to him. He had almost ignored the man but that would've been rude. Hans stopped and awkwardly turned to face the man as he wiped some sweat off his brow. [color=00aeef]"Um sorry sir. I don't believe I...ummm how you say...I don't believe that I'm good with talking to my peers."[/color] Hans told the stranger. He wasn't sure if this man was just curious about a foreigner running about doing his own thing, or if he just wanted to make sure the kid wasn't doing anything weird. [color=00aeef]"I'm not comfortable all that much going to clubs. I'm not very good at anything but running around. And even then I'm pretty bad at most sports. I think my school has clubs but they just aren't for me sir."[/color] Hans repeated as he took a moment to catch his breath. If the old man was going to stop to question him he may as well take a chance to take a deep breath. [color=00aeef]"My uncle always use to tell me if you don't get along with people all too well you're best off going off and doing your own thing. I mean I don't think I'm doing anything wrong mister. I mean am I doing something I'm not suppose to? It's just physical training I don't mean to bother no one."[/color] Hans said respectfully looking down at his feet. He was hoping he didn't get in trouble...but knowing him he was probably bothering someone.