[center][sup][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WShknpNpHbY]Archery Field?[/url][/sup][/center] Ryoma was deep in thought when the world around him suddenly changed. It looked like something out of a horror movie, with the darken atmosphere and blood like splatters on the walls, when Ryoma scanned the field in greater detail, the targets still had the arrows Jin and himself had shot into them, the red liquid seems to ooze out of it like a piecing wound. Ryoma felt nauseous looking at it. Ryoma felt fear and dread at the pit of his stomach. Suddenly, shrill screams could be heard from somewhere from within the school, Ryoma's spine tingled and his blood turned cold. His legs were stiff and unable to move to even shift his weight around. Ryoma's hands tightly gripped onto the bow so tightly that his hands and knuckles were becoming numb and white. Ryoma stood there paralyzed with fear and confusion for several minutes, or it felts like minutes it's impossible to tell time in this strange place that looked his school. Ryoma has heard of ghost stories where victims are trapped in a nightmare version of a place they knew and must escape by tricking the spirit or demon into letting them go. Ryoma would say such stories are silly nonsense but right now when he suddenly appeared in such a place, he couldn't help but believe in those stories. It's more believable than a prank or a hallucination, to him anyways. He has to leave, since in some ghost stories, they're said to hunt down the victims until they trapped themselves in a room without any escape routes, and the archery field lacks any such escape routes besides the entrance. Ryoma let out a long sigh which finally his legs relaxed ever so slightly and were finally able to move. Ryoma grabbed several arrows to refill his quiver and he checked his bow, which seemed to be in good condition, at least good enough to defend himself if some monster comes out and attacks him. Ryoma walked to the door to leave the room, yet his hand hovered over the handle for a few moments, before steeling his nerves and pushing the door out of the way and he walked out of the archery field. The hallway didn't look any better. Ryoma started to regret his decision to leave the archery field. But it's better to be out here and able to escape than the archery field where he's trapped. But that didn't make him feel any better.