Here be a rough outline of my CS. Name: Lady Amethyst "Amie" Jane, baroness of the Jane Household Species: Human Age: 30 Gender: Female Personality: Amie has two personalities: Lady Jane and Amie. Lady Amethyst Jane is a stern, quiet, respectable woman of noble lineage. At 6'1", she is an imposing figure, towering over others both in rank and height. Lady Jane is in all aspects a gentlewoman. She dresses the part, bows to elders, and is receptive to the honor due her. She is the unofficial representative of her house and, accompanied by her assistant/servant, she spends time visiting exotic (and often expensive) locales, spreading the glory of her family everywhere. Fighting is unladylike, and she would never draw her sword unless absolutely necessary. At heart, Amie is a kind, compassionate young woman who loves to read and write. She enjoys spending time with others, regardless of their place in society. Despite her family's love of affection and praise, Amie doesn't see herself as any more special than anyone else. She's optimistic and tries to find something to be happy about regardless of the circumstances. She doesn't have a wild streak or hot temper, but she has no objections to drawing steel. Fighting relieves boredom and causes adrenaline, and she would draw her sword in a heartbeat if it meant a good fight, or any kind of fight. Appearance: [hider=Lady Amethyst Jane] [img][/img] [img][/img][/hider] Her family crest is emblazoned in gold leaf on the back of her coat. Powers: JANE. Amie has her family crest emblazoned in gold on the back of her glove that is activated mentally. It allows her to cycle through four abilities that last for 30 seconds. These abilities can be changed/swapped instantly, but the same one cannot be immediately used back to back. The Crest glows gold and the "J" in the crest changes to a symbol representing the ability while it is active. When holding the sword, the blade glows gold as well and adopts those properties, though it isn't necessary for the buffs. The abilities are Jump, Attack, Negate, and Evade. Jump: Increases jump height dramatically. Attack: Increases the size of her sword's blade and the amount of damage it can do. Negate: Creates a holographic shield in front of her that absorbs projectiles. Evade: Increases movement speed and reaction time. [hider=The JANE Crest and its abilities] [i]Note: She's using the symbols from Column 1.[/i] [img][/img] [/hider] Strengths: Intelligence and charisma. Masterful skill with a longsword. [hider=Her sword and sheath assembly] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] Weaknesses: Pure physical strength and stamina. Also, she was raised in a mansion and attended to by servants, so even though she doesn't much care for her lifestyle, she doesn't understand the "outside world." It's always been fancy people with fancy vocabularies living carefree lives. Loneliness, depression, poverty and the like are all foreign to her. Background: tl;dr she was born into a rich family and everything has been perfect her whole life, but her family is very rich and snobby and Amie doesn't think she's better than anyone else, so they don't see eye-to-eye on how to look and behave. In public Amie will act the part out of respect for her parents and lineage. She caries a sword because her parents insist she have a bodyguard, and Amie would rather not, so after a lot of bickering she finally convinced them to let her take up private fencing lessons, which escalated into using claymores, sabers, and two-edged longswords. She ended up preferring the longsword and has been using it exclusively for the past eleven years. That's enough for now. Misc. Notes: N/A