[color=a36209][center][h1]Enz[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] Interacting with [@heckno12] [hr] Enz went about her day normally she had to stop by the nurses for a bit get her ankle checked out. Luckily it wasn't broken just sprained an ice pack was enough for her. All the classes were basic enough for Ensza she hadn't been a straight A student in middle school but she was by far from failing. She decided to skip out on math she knew enough and the class was dull enough that she could probably teach it herself. Having a business accountant for a father was a plus too. During math she decided to head to the field again it was a little before lunch and she had plenty that she wanted to work on specifically that jump from earlier. She'd jumped a bit too high so she decided to try again. The silence took over and she felt her vocal cords seem to tighten. She jumped up a good ten feet switching the gravity to send her careening forward once again. She tested pulling her knees up to her chest finding that she rolled back the feeling of falling abated and she felt like she did when she jumped. Extending her legs she allowed her self to drift as slowly as she could down the field to the gate. Upon touching it she jumped again this time soaring horizontally. She shifted again trying to toss her legs up and behind her. She fumbled and barely caught her self landing back on her feet allowing normal gravity to take control. Definitely will need to practice that. She muttered as she dusted her knees off. She would continue practicing pushing her self through out the lunch period and barely making it to her next class on time. She walked in her uniform dusty and a bit disheveled a huge grin on her face. The rest of her classes were uneventful and she passed the time drawing up notes about her experiences and what she could try next. The finally bell ring and her day was open. She looked around for Yame-kun. Rushing over to him she bumped him playfully. "Hey you. So I have plans to make dinner tonight it's nothing fancy but it's something my mom used to make all the time. Would you like to come grab groceries with me?" She smiled her usual bounce in her step light. She stopped looking around for Ototo-kun, Marius. "I do need to talk to Marius too. You seen him around?" She asked as her light bounce continued. She really wanted to talk to him about how she could go about fixing her acrobatics since he did so well in the long jump.