[center][sup][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_1lU638EOs]Patrice Building?[/url][/sup][/center] The air felt like smog as he breathed it in, it made his chest heavy physically and mentally with anxiety and fear. With closer inspection of the blood like substance oozing down the walls like freshly coat pain, luckily it hasn't rained down from the roof as of yet, but he should keep that to himself or else that fear will be proven reality . Ryoma pulled his free hand closer to the bow string after he pulled a lone arrow out of the quiver. The constant screaming made him feel anxious and sick to his stomach as each new scream start up again. With the constant noise and heavy air, it made him feel sick and was giving him a headache. But he has to keep moving. And hopefully there's others here with him, at least for his sake, he didn't like the idea of others being here, but even a kind heart will ask for companionship in hell. Ryoma glanced down both ways, making a quick judgement call. He decided to go to his left. Everybody picked right and if a demon is hunting him down, of course they would be waiting down the path their victims would most likely go down of. Ryoma took in another heavy breath and made his way leftwards and went down the damned hallway alone trying to ignore the constant screaming, but he couldn't, it was driving him mad with fear. When Ryoma was close to the corner he pulled at his bow string and readied it in front of him, preparing for the worst for whatever he should face from that corner. He hoped for nothing, he wishes it another prisoner of this place like him, he dreads if its the cause of all that screaming.