The walk through the short woodland trail during the day proved to be a rather pleasant little nature hike. What looked like large, dark, and foreboding trees during the night were revealed to be some quite fetching pine and redwoods. A few small bushes dotted the area here and there, some of which contained flowers that were in bloom. Squirrels scurried along the branches up above, looking around with their large eyes, scoping out the area for danger. The chirping of various birds sounded all around them. Each call was as unique as the next, which added to the overall cacophony of all the avian creatures that were present. Rolo always found it soothing to be out amongst some unspoilt nature. After a relatively short walk they finally arrived at Rolos bike. A couple of leaves fell onto the seat. Apart from that, it was fine. [color=orange]"Hey, uhh I don't know where you live. I'm good with addresses though. It'll help if you told me what your place looks like. Sometimes the street numbers aren't marked at all. That's Sea Salt Bay for ya. I swear this town is overrun by pretentious yuppies."[/color] commented Rolo.