[@Oliver] Then do something about it. People get bored with a scene they change scenes. We have characters all over the place. Ryan and Chloe left the party, so did others. Heck we had one steal stuff and get escorted out. The posts are what you make it. Changing the day isn't going to change your character unless you do it. Heck my last thing for Froggy was asking why he couldn't sleep. I got a few lines. If this is something that is really screwing with the kid, do deeper. Don't just throw a post up as soon as it is your turn, take a few an dig. If you aren't pushing your counter and no one is waiting on you, take a day or two to think it out. Your character as a long detailed character sheet, use that beyond he is sick. He likes drawing, why isn't he constantly sketching things? Likes classical music, why isn't he with Riley looking for music now or earlier in the day? Coming up with riddles? Seeing if anyone has a book he can read? His "sickness" shouldn't be all consuming, you are just making it that way. Ray is missing a leg but he is out there pushing to be with people and interact with more than a few words. Ceil has relations with these people now, you can easily work with that. There is plenty he can do, the day isn't going to change that. Only you are. And Caits is right. We might have Rped 2 days out since you joined but it has been 8 months in RP. That time jump was there for character development, to let people heal and get better, to move things forward. All days are this slow in RP, some even more so. Larger the group, the more characters, the more time it takes to get through a day. That is one reason collabs are encouraged. (And why I have rules in place to make sure they don't hold things up) - Collabing allows people to go back and forth much quicker, if Sigil and I had kept ours posts to just separate, it would have been a lot more posts and would hold up the RP getting through things. When people are 1 on 1 talking in a collab you move at a more realistic pace as far as RP time goes. The Rpers here are damn good, and pretty laid back even if it is a high casual/advanced RP. They are open to most anything. As far as age goes, that has nothing to do with anything in my mind. I treat each Rper the same no matter the age. And you are hardly the youngest I have dealt with in RP, even on this forum. Part of Rp is learning and growing and frankly I usually prefer them younger because then they are more open to learning. (Not only that but their comprehension goes up a lot faster.) With length I only laugh. I don't even see these are long posts, but that is me. These are medium length to me. This RP is labeled as High Casual to Advanced. Should see some of the stuff that has been posted. Char and I have done collabs for other Rp's that were 90k in characters long. I have NRP posts that maxed out the characters allowed during a post. Many of which are linked on my profile page which you have been on numerous times. If I am under 60k, it's a medium post. If it is under 6k, it is short. That's me, how I write. Whether someone posts 100 words or 10,000 we read it. Yeah, it may take you some time but up that time factor by at least 10 and then you will know how long it took them to actually put it together. So the reading of it is simply nothing in the grand scheme. As far as what you were or were not expecting when you joined, I have to call bull. This RP had been running some time before you joined. The original OOC post laid things out in detail, the CS is a monster compared to most, and there were tons of post up when you joined (Many Collabs already in the RP that were plenty long) - So for this to be an issue now, I don't buy it other than you had chip on your should about something and decided to take it out here. Again, the day might change but nothing for your character will unless you change it yourself.