Shar let out an exasperated sigh, but allowed the tigress to walk away. If he'd chosen to continue the argument, when would he find peace? Her ignorance made his blood boil and if she were to remain by his side, he would likely be unable to contain himself. Not a word that she said made any sense; he was almost envious of her ability to fool herself into believing her own fallacy. Had she been a different person, Shar would likely find her very laughable, but she it was almost terrifying that somebody so important could be so blind. He found himself speaking to no other as he looked through the stall, looking up to see Ciscera swiping coins from her boots near a flying fox. The colonel diverted his attention from the stall and took slow strides to the source of the music cutting through the crowd. There was no doubt that this girl had been taken from her home... What would sound like mumbling and unintelligible noise meant solely for rhythm to the passersby would prove to be true lyrics for the wolf. In fact, he knew the song and he felt his stomach drop out as he heard the bat's subtle voice carry them with absolute perfection. His hands hung from the pockets on the stolen officer's jacket on his shoulders, a wistful smile on his face as she played. He wished he could give her coin or safe passage home, but not everybody could be saved... It was a lesson he learned in his earliest days as a part of the rebellion. She sang of home, in the most basic of terms; music was so difficult to translate that to understand the full meaning of the song, one would have to simply speak the tongue lest the meaning be lost. Shar sighed sadly and fell back into the crowd, away from the musician. He found Ciscera eyeing food once more, but dared not join her; his uniform would likely lead to suspicion of why he was near such a shady figure. So, he began to peruse the selection nearby, picking up various items and turning them over in his hand before placing them back down. He allowed her to pick something out for herself, settling on the idea that she was just likely to be less disciplined than he, having been fed as a spoiled child for several weeks while he was forced to eat next to nothing. It was disgusting how she behaved, but he could resolve himself for the all-business relationship. Finally, she had settled on something to eat and they could leave the food stalls. The flying fox's tune filled the marketplace still - though it was muffled by the sound of bustling pedestrians, Shar had made it a point to keep it within his senses for as long as he could. While he had learned dances from all over the world, nothing could amend the voice he was born with; although he did not have an unpleasant sound, he was far from adequate as far as carrying a tune went. Music could carry him, but there was little he could do to make a pleasant experience in the reverse. "Are you quite finished spoiling yourself? Because the longer you remain like that, the more likely it is that you'll be spotted," He said quietly. It was ingenious how sometimes the best places to hide were in plain sight; nobody looked for you where there were other people and so it was rather easy to be overlooked. The wolf had decided to show neither irritation nor any other form of response as he looked stoically ahead. He was simply tired of her by now, and to continue arguing with her would yield no positive result, of that he was sure. However, before she could answer, a man dressed in garb similar to Lykos' approached. It was a lion with a rather conspicuous mane and proud stride... Felines, were any of them unique, or did they all just follow the same archetype? The wolf didn't falter as he looked to the male that had already sized him up and labeled him as non-threatening. He stopped as a hand was risen to tell him to halt, instantly saluting just as he had seen other members of the Riversladian army do. [I]This cub has to be at least ten years younger than me...[/I] Shar thought to himself passively with a bit of irritation before letting the thought go as quickly as it had come. He began to consider himself lucky that he looked like many others of his race. Their eyes were locked for a rather intense several seconds before the lion finally spoke, "At ease... Are you part of my contingent? We're the only ones meant to be in this district and I don't recognize you - most have been tasked on guard duty at the gates and the castle. So why are you here?" Shar thought for a moment before tilting his head, "My apologies, sir, but I'm not on duty today." Another thought came to the canine as he cleared his throat, "Erm... Excuse me for my ignorance, but why are we so heavily being sent to the castle and gates? Didn't we capture the prisoners yesterday?" The officer shook his head, "Are you dense? No. That imposter escaped, but keep your voice down, soldier, unless you want to create a real disturbance in the city... I recommend in the future, if you're off-duty, remove the jacket. Pride in your position is fine, but mistakes like that make the military seem arrogant. Move along," He ordered, looking to the hooded figure of Ciscera for a moment. "Wait... Who's this?" The lion asked gruffly, placing a hand on Shar's chest. The wolf looked over and paused for a moment... Who was she? "Erm... Well, sir, it may be better that you don't ask... After all, my uniform when off-duty was a big enough mistake... We wouldn't want to put the integrity of our military at further stress, right?" The lion looked shocked for a moment, clearly uncomfortable as he shook his head in disgust and took his leave. "Whores... Don't know how they live with themselves," He grumbled loudly enough for them both to hear as he walked away. They began walking again and the moment Shar was sure that the feline had gotten far enough away, he brought a hand to his muzzle and held back a small snicker. Again, it was absolutely satisfying to put her into any position that may be humiliating; especially when it was certainly [I]necessary[/I] to do so and remain in cover. "Are you ready to fix your problem and show your face again, or would you like to return to the inn and apply for a job?" He asked with clear sarcasm and an almost sing-songy voice. Despite his earlier stoicism, he had no care to recover his composure until he needed to.