[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yGkgsUi.png[/img][/center] Watching Cole and Taylor wander off into the woods Sarah rolled her eyes. [color=firebrick]"Wow, he's worse than I am. Wonder how long he'll survive in the woods with his injuries."[/color] Shrugging, two more invalids made their way toward Malena. One of them had a pretty nasty gash in their side. [color=firebrick]"Hm, well have fun with this one. I've done my share as far as I'm concerned."[/color] Before anyone could get a response in edgewise Sarah headed away. There was still the guys offering food like he was selling something. Admittedly the sound of food was pretty alluring. However she'd gone hungry before and wouldn't let her guard down too much just for a handout. Sadly she couldn't just take it without potentially learning the hard way what this guy might be able to do. Better to know what she's up against than to go in swinging. On the way she picked up the stuff from the wreckage and gestured to Alex to follow. Making her way over to Tobias, Sarah pointed to the small pile of MRE pouches. [color=firebrick]"May I?[/color] The calories contained in one of those might not last as long as someone normally her size. Her increased strength came with a drawback for its use in the energy department. By this point Sarah was pretty sure that they were close to overstaying their welcome. While her physical body hadn't taken much in the way of injury she still had been knocked out and wasn't entirely sure for how long. It was probably ten... maybe fifteen minutes since she came too and someone had taken all the stuff already. [color=firebrick]"On second thought, hang on to that. We need to leave."[/color] She said to herself before raising her voice. [color=firebrick]"We need to get out of here soon guys! Someone's still out there even if not their friends probably aren't far behind. And I don't feel like having a chat with them!"[/color] [@6slyboy6][@dreamingflowers][@Lemons][@Leotamer]