[center][color=ed1c24][h3]Himeko Arslan[/h3] Interacting with: [@Dark Light][/color][/center] [hr] Himeko cursed under her breath when the phone wasn't answered and had to leave a message. She placed the phone back in her pocket, now knowing that there was absolutely no hope in contacting that man. Though she should have guessed. He was either too drunk, too high or too asleep to even answer his phone. Such irresponsibility. Upon hearing someone else's voice, she sharply turned her head to him - her tail disappearing from sight. Could this be someone who could help? That would really be a stroke of luck huh? As the words became understandable, her hopes were crushed and it left this annoyed feeling in her chest. Added with the fact that he was making lewd comments only added to the fury already building up in her. She looked back at the man who was unconscious and it didn't look like he was waking up anytime soon. [color=ed1c24]"You're either brave or extremely stupid to do this old man."[/color] She then took out her bokken, but had second thoughts of using claws instead. [color=ed1c24]"Though, I think you're too drunk to even understand the situation you're currently in."[/color] She was prepared to strike this man down and teach him a lesson. She leveled her eyes to his, her hands tightening the grip around the handle of the wooden sword.