[@chukklehed] Its something I wanna go for. I mean, there is this whole arc Animal is doing about monster spies in the Hero Association and whatnot. Besides, I get the feeling that B ranked heroes who aren't #1 don't get paid all that much, Saitaman is usually not paid well either. Also you can cook and eat Deathclaws in Fallout, and they can talk in Fallout 2. And you use Daedra hearts and other monster bits in potions and whatnot or you can eat those if you want. Yeah no humans, but then this monster isn't a human, is it? As for that, I doubt anything is nearby this monster after that thunderclap and whatnot. Esp since its in a more monster filled area of the city anyway. No one knew that Saitama punched that meteor for example that would've destroyed half the world. Nor do they know he beat up the space emperor. And Light can always mention Pink Slime or MPM and turn almost everyone into vegans really fast :P.