[center][h2]Hiya dum-dums![/h2] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/90465b3b6a901581274a31b6747db8c3/tumblr_mnig1u59cI1s5jjtzo1_400.gif[/img] My name is Corvex, but you can just call me Vex. I'm not new here, just keeping a low profile because I want to. Anyway, I don't really have time for crazy intros at the moment, so let's just get right into the noise (don't fucking mention Keemstar either, please, that's not what I'm referencing xd).[/center] [h3]About me:[/h3] - I'm 17. - I've been roleplaying since I was 9. ^ Don't be fooled, I've taken many breaks. I am NOT the greatest. - I'm a junior in high school, on my last 3 weeks (including this week) of school. - Casual is my forte. I [i]can[/i] write at an advanced level, but that's when I have time and when I actually [i]feel[/i] like it (and more often than not, I [b]don't[/b] feel like it). If we're getting specific, I consider myself High-Cas/Low-Adv. - I [b]only[/b] do 1x1's. I can never keep up with a group, as I post on my own time. I only participate in certain fandom groups such as Warrior Cats, and the occasional animal RP like dogs and wolves, but honestly, there are never any good animal RP's on here. Let's be honest. - I'm very laid-back, talkative, and easy to get along with. I really enjoy talking and getting to know my partners. - My online times are random. I can get on whenever I want; please don't expect replies on specific days of the week. I'm busy on weekends, for the most part. I've got friends and we hang out often. I also spend some weekends watching movies with my boyfriend, and just hanging out in general. - In relation to the one above this one, I can either post every day or once a week. There is really no in-between. - I roleplay in 3rd person. Not opposed to 1st person, I will try it sometime, but 3rd person right now. - If there is romance, I only do MxF. - I have no preferences when it comes to my character's genders. I will play male or female equally. [h3]What I'm looking for:[/h3] - Someone who is willing to take the reigns every now and then. Don't make me do all the work. - Someone who is the same writing level as me. (Casual-Low Advanced) - Someone who is patient. - Someone who is willing to be not only my partner, but my friend. - Someone who is open-minded. - Someone who is okay with cussing, IC and OOC. - Someone who can play both males and females. Come on, guys, it's not hard at all. - 3rd person, past tense. [h3]Genres/themes is included in the RP:[/h3] - Medieval fantasy. Dragons, magic, warriors, kings, dungeons... think Skyrim. - Some violence. Not necessarily gore, but death and blood will be present. - "Slice-of-life" aspects. - Adventure. - Action. - Possibly some angst. - Romance can be discussed, but it's not required. - Shapeshifting. - Doubling. This isn't required, but you may double if you want. This includes NPC's, completely fleshed-out characters, and even pets. [h3]The idea:[/h3] - This isn't necessarily a plot, it's more-so an idea based off of a character I have. Our two characters are adolescents (15-18) in a medieval world. The two come from (preferably) differing backgrounds, but both have the same goal: escape. Our characters have fled from their families and communites for one reason or another, eventually finding each other. The two learn about each other and decide to stick together, becoming friends and going on adventures in this fantastic world, getting into trouble, all that jazz. After a while of being out in the cold world on their own, the two are faced with a decision. They've gotten a taste of the real world. Do they want to continue, or return to their homes to fix problems that once were? The basic idea is two (preferably) broken teens go out alone to find themselves. [h3]Other notes[/h3] - I just wanted to note that I made my character as a female, but if you absolutely insist, I am willing to gender-swap if need-be. Also, she (or maybe he) is a shapeshifter with one form: that of a wolf. Obviously, though, my character will spend most of his/her time in their human form. If you are interested, please PM me! I will get into more detail about it there! I probably won't reply on here (I don't want to lol). If you're going to PM me, please tell me a little about yourself. I'm not asking for a lot, but I don't like PMs that just say, "I'm interested." Of course, state your interest, but say something more. I don't care what it is, just put some effort into it. xd Thanks!