The girl sat shivering as the man crouched before her, less hostile now but ready to turn on the slightest provocation. The girl hadn't been lying. She was bitterly cold now she had stopped moving. The dampness, general temperature and the wind all seemed to have ganged up on her. She was completely unable to resist the warm looking coat this stranger offered her. She leant forwards, gingerly at first then suddenly sped up to snatch it from his hands before he could change his mind. She leant back clutching it to her like a blanket before putting it on. After a moments consideration she looked back to the man. He couldn't be that bad if he was willing to give her a coat. It could still be a trick of course but she did feel much better now. "Thank you." She said, looking into the mans eyes as she said it with her own beginning to lose that sense of fear and expose a warm soul beneath the battered exterior.