[hider=Hector][center][h2][color=6A7661]Hector [/color][/h2][hr][hr][h3][i]There is no monster under your bed, because I'm right here.[/i][/h3] [img] https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2693365689/9fcf26ba0a34e097142a219f6b7b0697.png [/img] [sup]6”8 – 130kg| Eight Years Of Experience[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [b]|[u]Birth Name [/u]|[/b] »Andrew Gosforth [b]|[u]Hails From [/u]|[/b] »Paisley, Scotland »April 7th, 1986 (31) [b]|[u]Fighting Style [/u]|[/b] » Hector is a large man, and as such has a large arsenal of power moves, but what sets him apart from other powerhouses is his in-ring psychology, mindgames and theatrics. In his gimmick’s newest incarnation, will sometimes hurt himself just to unnerve his opponent, as well as relish in the pain of his opponent instead of fighting to win quickly. A Hector match can be an uncomfortable watch, and sometimes won’t even feel PG even though it breaks no rules. [b]|[u]Signature Moves [/u]|[/b] » Daddy’s Awake (Spear/Double Leg Takedown hybrid with theatrics) » Nightmare Drop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPgtDtMm62Y » Chokeslam Backbreaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EmuK7abD64 » Lifting Spinebuster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVaikLSOw0k [b]|[u]Finisher [/u]|[/b] » Straightjacket Neckbreaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH4MauQz1ac » Dreamcatcher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHR1aG4UDw0 [b]|[u]Theme [/u]|[/b] » Old Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCtgTpxgwjc » New Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd2FE4Qmdw0 [b]|[u]Backstage Rep [/u]|[/b] »’Hector’ had enjoyed success as a big guy with the gimmick of an insane slasher villain, though this translated to cheesy effects, mind games and blackout attacks every other week. He was never a world champion though he did briefly hold the IC belt, and had an upper-card feud with Drayden during one of the rare instances when he wasn’t champion or challenging for the championship. This all came to an end over a year ago when Andrew had to go through a messy divorce, and took time off to return to Scotland and deal with that. He was written off TV by being set of fire from one of the chemicals of Dr. Sinister off the back of a feud with The creation, and then he was gone. Several months ago, he came back for training, and to people’s surprise, it’s as if he was never gone. She’s the same old chatty, friendly big scot who enjoys a drink, and he had very little ring rust. He fell back into place in the AWE machine and is now ready to return to the ring, though his debut is still being held off until after the tournament. Personally, Andrew isn’t sure his character still fits in with an industry that’s gearing towards a more realistic, MMA style populated by small, fast guys with realistic names and characters, or maybe that just means he’s needed more than ever. [b]|[u]Gimmick [/u]|[/b] » Hector’s new gimmick is far more genuinely scary and intense than his old one. He is now a deranged psychopath, and even though there are still blackout attacks and lighting effects, Hector is framed less of a supernatural monster than he was in his previous run and far more of an ordinary albeit twisted and deranged human, and therefore all the more unsettling for it, as he seems real now. He will wear creepy masks, give nonsensical promos that make the interviewer uncomfortable, stalk his feuding opponents backstage in skits and during their promos, ect. His mindgames are a thing of beauty now. Rather than before, where every opponent would get the same thing (dolls, abandoned asylums, little girls), now each feud’s mindgames are tailored towards the fears and insecurities of his opponents and a big deal will be made of him getting inside their heads. [b]|[u]Face or Heel [/u]|[/b] » Indiscriminate Heel [b]|[u]Other [/u]|[/b] » Face Claim – Rory McCann[/hider]