[@Crimmy] [@Suku] [@Savo] [@JBRam2002] That damned snow cone (sod it, that's what she decided she'd call Furst from now on) apparently didn't consider poking the costume to be enough, so he smacked it with a baton like a baseball player. The action was enough to draw a brief yet hauntingly shrill shriek from Suzune's vocal cords as she tightened her grip on Kimiko. "St-Stop it, you idiot! There could've been an actual person still alive in there!" That comment about how fitting it was that the misandrist was in drama club didn't help matters any either. Gods, she just wanted to tear that stupid foreigner to shreds! Kimiko had a point about not exiting the room. Only the gods knew what horrors would await them if they stepped outside. However, Suzune figured that she should be able to keep at least her sanity in check if she stuck beside her shrine maiden love interest. She was managing to keep a level head throughout all of this, somehow. Gods bless her soul. After the miko had chosen an impromptu weapon, Suzune finally released her grip on the slightly older girl and took a few deep breaths. "Maita-sama's right. If we want any hope of getting through this hellhole high school, we'll need to be prepared." She then began looking around the room in search of anything (or things) that could be used as makeshift weapons. Suzune's eyes soon fell on a table with various tools on it. Of particular interest to the dark-haired girl was a hammer and a few nails, the latter of which being inside a plastic container. Smirking, she briskly walked over to her find, grabbed the hammer, and slipped the box of nails inside one of her hoodie pockets. Turning the blunt instrument around in her hands, the misandrist chuckled. "I think it's time for a little school improvement. Ready whenever you are, Maita-sama."