[center][h3][color=lightsalmon]Riley[/color][/h3][/center] Riley was, as usual, the last of the three to make it to the HQ. Which was somewhat odd, as he arguably lived the closest of the three of them to the HQ, though no one had questioned him about it yet, and he didn't feel the need to answer the question that hadn't been asked. Though the short answer was, Riley, due to his relatively slow walking speed, often mistook how much time it would take for him to get to the nearest bus stop, or the bus driver judging from Riley's lack of hurry assumed that the man wasn't trying to board the bus and just left without him. He also walked past the HQ building and continued a block downward to a similarly styled building that did accounting work before realizing his mistake and walking back, where the man in the suit regarded him with a tired sigh and pointed him towards the inside of the building where another man in a suit waited for him. Suit number 2 guided him into their work room and Riley regarded the other two with a lazier version of the two fingered salute Sasha often greeted him with. Sitting down with the others, and placing his phone in the black device like the others, He set himself comfortably in the chair and set it into a deep recline before he executed the application that took is into the DgtWld, his body falling limp not shortly after- hopefully his body wouldn't fall out of his chair this time. Such a fall happened last time they went to do work at a local Net-Cafe, and explaining that took a lot of smooth talking on the part of Sasha and Avery- the pair of them managing to convince the manager that Riley was merely low on blood sugar and did not in fact need to go to the hospital. Forming from a stream of pixels behind the others, Maverick began taking shape. While shorter than Avery in the real world, in the DgtWld, Maverick was several inches taller, and was composed of a solid armored frame of black and red metals. While Urkwia checked her display, and Archimedes checked his firearms, Maverick went about doing a quick stretch. The stretching was more of a ritual than anything, as in the DgtWld, they couldn't actually pull a muscle, but Maverick typically ran a quick diagnostic of his armor system while he did. Unlike the others, Maverick was built to take hits, and did so quite well. Sparky all the meanwhile, floated around Maverick's head, almost as if in orbit, chirping cheerfully as the group made the modest trek towards the collision in question. The little companion app was annoying at times, but it was at least a feeling of life in the otherwise dull void of the DgtWld. Though admittedly the DgtWld was not meant to be typicall traversed and was built to be more functional than aesthetically pleasing, Maverick almost enjoyed the various landscapes the hackers built for them. If it weren't for the fact that something was always trying to kill them, Maverick might've enjoyed the beach resort themed Collision they encountered a few weeks ago. The collision this time around was an overgrown city. Almost post-post-apocalyptic. It was an urban environment, which meant close-quarters everything- which Maverick didn't mind, and that threats could come from almost any angle- which Maverick [i]did[/i] mind. Urkwia mentioned climbing one of the taller buildings to scope out a vantage, to which Archimedes pointed out the issues with being trapped in one. Maverick shrugged, "It would help to know what we were looking for this time around." he mused. "At least when we're trapped at the top of a building, we know the enemy can only come at us from one direction." Unless the enemies here flew, but that was a whole nother can of worms that Maverick didn't want to get into.