There was the sound of a splash followed by a string of sailor's curses. As Eoin cursed at his firstmate he climbed back on the dock and waited for the [i]Sea Trekker[/i] to dock. His ship, for once, was actually being used commercially to transport some raw materials to Aruin and the extra gold could help fund the little adventure to the Well of Wishes. After all adventures aren't free, especially when supplies have to bought and horses to be haggled for. As his ship finally docked the elf grinned ear from ear as he made eye contact with the first mate and friend, Neren. Neren laughed, "You never could drink Eoin." And Eoin replied, "You never could stop being an ass Neren. On a side note you didn't have to push me." "You said you were in a hurry, so you got the express exit" Eoin laughed it was true, he did say he was in a hurry. Although the soaked clothes would slow him down a bit. Eoin sat on the dock wringing out his shirt and pants as the crew unloaded the supplies and after a quick talk to the dock master the mostly dry elf received his pay. As Eoin Lonne'lle paid his crew he took Neren aside and told him, "If there is so much as a replaced sail, I will kill you." With an elvish laugh Neren replied, "Of course, now let's go find a tavern and get drunk before you go on your little adventure." The two elves laughed more and traded insults as they went to a tavern hoping to find some worthy companions.