[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agt2SNWFLfM[/youtube][/center] And that rumor of Singrad held true. As Sorons long blade cut into the leg of Singrad, he was genuinely surprised when the massive brute of the man spun around to meet Dragonbane’s second weapon. He hissed as he felt the man’s massive hand clamp down on Soron’s own. And then it seemed as if time stopped. The arrows hung mid air,  those on the battlefield held in poses of combat or death as he saw the large man’s fist slowly make contact with Soron’s body, creating a cavitation in between the space before impact, followed by a massive boom. He felt his lung collapse, his rib cage puncture the second one and his heartbeat slowly down as his throat filled with blood. He became weightless as Singrad tossed him aside. [i][color=slategray]’Shit! Not like this!…[/color][/i] He thought behind the pain. [hr] Nearby, Sulley hald a massive grin on the field as he casted aside people left and right, opening up a path for some of the Vrondi to move in on the cultists’ flanks. However, his smile ceased as he heard the “boom” and turned to see where it had came from. His eyes widened as he seemed to silently scream amongst the battle. He watched as Singard casted him aside like scrap with a muffled “hmph” in amusement by the tenacity of Soron’s attempt. His body flew through the air and almost lifeless as it made contact with the ground with a sickening thud. [color=9e0b0f]Soroooooooooooooooooon!!!!![/color] The young dragon yelled as he slid over to him the battle becoming nothing more than ambient sounds around the two. Sulley lifted his head up onto his lap as he looked him over. His chest was caved in, blood spewed from his mouth as he tried to talk or get air. [i][color=slategray]’So this is how I go, huh? Cast aside like trash from a single fucking blow. Figured it would be in the mouth of a basilisk or because of Sulley that fucking moron.[/color][/i] [color=9e0b0f]Soron! Soron speak to me! You’ll be okay! I… I need a healer! HEALER!!!! Healer over here! Don’t worry buddy I’m here. Helaer! WHERE THE FUCK IS THE HEALER!!!”[/color] [i][color=slategray]’Heheh, Sulley...I couldn’t have asked for a better friend….no….a brother...My only brother, my only family….A-Ariel….Wha-wha-why are you here?.....I-It’s been so long since I….I missed you….I missed you so much my love[color=9e0b0f]Soron stay with me! Sor-what are you looking at? Soron? Soron! SOROOOOOOOON!”[/color]….You did wait...Here I am…”[/color][/i] A weak hand had made its way up to the sky behind Sulley. With scared eyes, Sulley turned to look to see where he was reaching, only to see tears rolling down Soron’s own face before they went wide with the final struggle for air before the life faded from his eyes. Sulley lip began to quiver as he clenched his teeth, tears rolling down his eyes as he leaned in to hug his only friend, his only family….and simply screamed in pain and agony. He sat there sobbing as the fight continued on around him. [hr] Soron awoke in a field. It was covered in the fresh smell of lavender and lilac. A breeze blew against his face as strains of his hair covered his one eye. “I told you I would wait for you.” With somewhat tired eyes he glanced over to his side and soon those tired eyes widened. There, laying next to him on the ground beside him, rested his love, [url=https://images.freecreatives.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Fantasy-High-Elf-Girl-Wallpaper.jpg]Ariel[/url]. [color=slategray]”A-Ariel...Is it really you?”[/color] She simply smiled as she moved closer to him, gently resting a delicate hand on his chest. He was left speechless as he stared at her. She was tracing a finger along his chest before glancing up to see his face to which she giggled. “What’s the matter?” [color=slategray]”You’re really here...That means-”[/color] Her smile slowly faded to something a bit more somber and that was all he needed to know. He sighed. [color=slategray]”I see…”[/color] She brought a hand up to his cheek and let him rest his head in her hand. “I’m sorry my dear.” As she tried to console him he shook his head. [color=slategray]”It’s too soon. It couldn’t have been-”[/color] “Your time to go? Everyone leaves the world of the living at somepoint, its just some leave sooner than others and what would you expect with your profession? You were practically past the expiration point in your job, especially following that dragon around.” He chuckled. [color=slategray]”Oh-ho, he mean Suleykaar the Perceptive, Suleykaar the Wise, Suleykaar the-”[/color] “Brother of Soron Dragonbane?” He looked over to her with slight amusement as he looked down and grinned before nodding. [color=slategray]”And the womanizer that always got Soron into trouble and had to bail his ass out of it.”[/color] She laughed and sat up, looking over the rolling fields before standing. “Soron? Tell me more about him, please? How did you to meet?” The dragonslayer glanced up before standing and took in the fields around him. They were familar but he didn’t know why. He glanced over and smiled with a nod as he took her hand into his own. [color=slategray]”Well….It all started back when i was apart of Sureyia.”[/color] She cocked her head slightly to the side. “Sureyia?” Soron had been looking over the rolling fields as he nodded before looking back to her. [color=slategray]”It was a Dragonslaying group I joined after….Anyway-”[/color] They began walking as Soron talked about his life with Sureyia and how he met Suley. [hr] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNwP08qN77A&index=2&list=PLA771878468181D20[/youtube][/center] Slowly the grieving dragon’s tears dried up and the air around him began to become dense. The healer that had made his way over to the two could feel this as well. Suley’s mournful face began to twist in anger and rage as his scales slowly became known on his body. His fangs lengthened as his hair seemed to become rigid and jagged, much like spikes. His claws lengthened, his tail began to grow as his wings slowly began to form. He whispered to the healer with an almost stoic voice. [color=9e0b0f]”Get his body safely out of here and warn the rest of the Vrondi soldiers that if they value their fucking lives they will fall back to a safezone…”[/color] Apparently the Vrondi healer didn’t react quick enough. [color=9e0b0f][b]”NOW!”[/b][/color] The healer flinched at the draconic voice as he retrieved Soron’s body and quickly let a psychic message through to ALL of Vrondi’s soldiers. [i]”EVERYONE! GET BACK NOW!!!! GO!!! THE DRAGON IS ABOUT TO LET LOOSE!!![/i] At this point Suleykaar did not care about who got in the way there was only one thing on his mind…..[color=black][i]Kill!![/i][/color] He was shaking with the amount of rage that had been built up. He let a torrent of killer intentions crash over everyone like a tidal wave. He leaned back as his eyes seemed to fill with fire before letting out his full draconic voice through one powerful roar that shook the very earth. When he leaned forward, his eyes were filled with flames as fire spilled out of his mouth and onto the ground as he slowly began walking forward. [color=9e0b0f][b]You dare murder my friend!? You dare attack those I care about!? If you want death so badly than I shall provide you with one! I am the Son of Tiamat, the scaled Fury of old, I am the flames of the Forusha!”[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f][h3][b]”I AM BORN OF ASH![/b][/h3][/color] [color=9e0b0f][h2][b]”RAISED BY FIRE!![/b][/h2][/color] He wings were spread wide, just like his arms. [color=9e0b0f][h1][b]”I AM SULEYKAAR, THE FIRE OF FOTIA!! YOU WANT DEATH! I’LL GIVE YOU JUST THAT! I WILL BATHE YOUR BODY IN THE FLAMES OF HELL! YOUR SOUL WILL BE NOTHING MORE THAN ASH WHEN I AM THROUGH WITH YOU!!! KAHTOR NAH DILAH BRRROUT DOVAH DU NAGHT!!! IGNITE![/b][/h1][/color] His scales opened up as a heated light shot out of his body like an explosion the cultists closest to him were thrown back by the concussive force. With its bright flash, most that were Nayu would be blinded by this sudden appearance of light. The cool night air quickly became like that of a very hot summer.With his arms wide, he brought them in close with his claws clenched. [color=9e0b0f][h1][b]”DEVOUR!!!!![/b][/h1][/color] Soon the air that surrounded him and the hopefully fleeing Vrondi soldiers was sucked out of the area and into the the center of his clawed hands as the vortex grew. A second and third flash followed by many more flashes lit up the battlefield. His body slowly became covered in a thick layer of ice. Underneath the ice his stomach and throat glowed a bright red and orange before he breathed a long stream of fire into the vortex of air, his claws began to steam as the heat intensified. Those in direct contact with Suley began to catch fire with no real reason as to why other than its source. The vortex grew and grew as the area surrounding him heated. Beneath him, the ground quickly was set ablaze and soon nothing was left on the ground except for a nice glassy finish. Cultists still tried their luck against Suley but no one could even get close. Even those above had to get back otherwise their wings would burst into flames. The time had come and the flames were black as the night with hints of white. He kept walking over to Singrad. His eyes full of rage. He was in range. He brought the vortex over his head and with wide, almost psychotic eyes, glared at Singrad. [color=9e0b0f][h1][b]”HELLFIRE![/b][/h1][/color] The young Dragonlord threw the vortex at the ground and it roared as loud as he had earlier. It was explosive in its movements as black flames swept over the battlefield like oceanic waves, crashing into whatever was in its way and leaving nothing left in its wake. Suley spread his arms out wide and with it the flames did too covering the area of Singrad, the basilisk and anything else that dared to stay in its path.