[INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][COLOR=gray]B R Y N N R E Y E S [/color][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup]Monday, September 26th | Social Conscience, Cafeteria[/sup][/INDENT] Brynn made her way to the school cafeteria quietly, following her classmates. She was muted, her previous despair and defeat giving way to anger. [i]All I have to do is not be “incompetent,”[/i] she thought, [i]and Brynn Reyes doesn’t go down so easily.[/i] Upon arriving at the cafeteria — now rather empty of students, since it was in the middle of a period — Sebastian burst out, his voice echoing around the room as he listed his insults and complaints. Watching with some trace of disbelief, Brynn found herself torn between agreeing for the promised convenience and disagreeing out of self-preservation. He was right in that Renard would never be Lehrer, but he was also wrong; Lehrer had earned Brynn’s respect only because of his strength and self-proclaimed mission, and Renard could easily do the same, seeing as the stand-in was likely chosen by Lehrer. The only discrepancy was that Renard, unlike Lehrer, had a way of getting under everyone’s skin, which wouldn’t do well for his popularity. Watching as Sebastian stormed away, Brynn glanced at Winter to see if she would follow. She did, disappearing through the cafeteria’s double doors as well as Brynn looked on blankly. Following them was an option, but staying put was too. She’d wanted to get on Lehrer’s good side, and the same applied now that the previous teacher was off-duty. Best case scenario, her good behavior would be mentioned to Lehrer, and at the very least her lack of being mentioned would serve better than being lumped together with Sebastian’s antics. Silence permeated the cafeteria after Winter’s departure as the students took in Sebastian’s outburst, and tensions ran high. Looking around, Brynn waited to see if any of her classmates would follow, but it seemed that no one had thought along quite the same lines as the boy who’d stormed out. [i]Well, Sebastian always had a way of stirring things up too quickly,[/i] she thought, eyes darting to the clock. The bell would ring in less than an hour, and the students would be free to go. She would be free to go. [i]Go home?[/i] she wondered to herself. [i]What’s the point of “home” now that we know these powers exist? Anyone could have them, anyone could be out for my blood. Nowhere’s safe, least of all Crestwood, no matter how nicely Lehrer puts it. Safety,[/i] she thought, [i]safety now resides in strength — the power to fend off the enemies I have or will have, and I don’t have that yet.[/i] Footsteps sounded in the hallway, brisk in pace as eyes were drawn back towards the double doors. Winter burst in a moment later, urgency written all over her face as she touted details of Sebastian, Elroy, and Rita. [i]Rita?[/i] Brynn wondered, thinking of the former classmate. [i]Did she turn rogue? Why is she attacking us?[/i] Brynn glanced to Renard, waiting for the man to make a call. Fight or flight — which was it?