She had noticed Ruce looking at her as she strode up to the bar but had let it slip right by her. He made further lenience impossible as he addressed her. She let her left hand fall out of the pocket of her black cargo trousers and hang at her side. She resisted the urge to clench a fist as she had no idea how handy either the mouthy brunette or the armoured blonde were, and really didn’t need a kicking right now. That said, she couldn’t let the obnoxious comment stand. [color=98AFC7]“Will it cost you?”[/color] She fixed her gaze on the drunken man. [color=98AFC7]”It’ll cost you a fistful of teeth and about a litre of blood, if you speak to me like that again.”[/color] she threw him a wry smile before turning to look at Sky. [color=98AFC7] “I suggest you ensure your mate watches his tongue. Not everyone is as delicate and forgiving as I am.[/color] She snapped sarcastically. Mani refilled the glass she had set down on the bar. She nodded her thanks and tossed a credit chip down onto the bar. She lifted the glass to her lips, fixing her eyes back on Ruce[color=98AFC7] “Oh, and as for ‘swords’,”[/color] She said. [color=98AFC7]“Let’s just say they’re not my weapon of choice.”[/color] Another smirk flew Ruce’s way as she tried to hide the fact she was sizing him up. There was something about him that scratched at her. She got the feeling he wasn’t everything he seemed. The jacket told her he was pilot but the condition of it suggested he didn’t do very well out of it. Waster or not, if she was right, and he was a pilot, there might be a ship. She needed to work this out.