Something I think I should check for opinions... how much freedom do you guys want with how we start? I was originally planning to start at the Valens manor and gladiator school training grounds, with Loreia awaiting the people interested in joining her team. It would probably take a little while, with all the people we have, but would let you do your intro however you want up to arriving at her family manor, and get some socialization in with others before we actually enter the arena. Conversely, the other place we could start is [i]after[/i] that happens, with the group just on their way to the arena to be thrown into their first match, with no time to prepare. Gets us into action quicker, but leaves barely any time for even getting introduced to anyone. Personally I'm leaning towards the former, but if people are feeling strongly a different way, I can work with it. Still not sure how busy I'll be tonight when I get back, but it'll be started by some point tomorrow at the latest.