[center][sup][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r2ozeKBG20]Patrice Building?[/url][/sup][/center] The arrow struck true. But instead of a blood thirsty growl or a howl of a beast, Ryoma heard the scream of a human. A feminine scream at that, it stood out from the passive yet prevalavent screaming in the distance. Ryoma studied the shadow in a rising panic as he realized he gambled the safety of a person's safety. It made his already heavy stomach even heavier with guilt alongside his sense of dread and fear. Ryoma ran towards the shadow, seeing in better detail that it's actions are too human to be a monster or ghost. When Ryoma was standing above the fallen shadow a few feet away, Ryoma realized it was a follow student, Ai Hanazawa, a follow third year. Once Ai seen that it was him, she calmed down slightly and asked if it was him her tone seemed to carry a hint of a plea in it as if asking if it was really him, that tone made him realized she might not be the real Ai Hanazawa. Nobody is ever happy to know he exist, maybe the demon is trying to trick him by pretending to be human. But for now Ryoma nodded his head, even with his worries of her being a demon in disguise, he still feels guilty for shooting an arrow so close since she's acting so human. Her fearful energy started to die down and annoyance seems to takes its place, which he couldn't fault her in. He'd be mad too if somebody shot an arrow at him as well. "S-sorry." Ryoma meekly apologized. "I-I thought you were what was causing that screaming..." Ryoma added in, while it was an excuse he didn't expect to be forgiven so easily. Ryoma awkwardly shifted from foot to foot unsure of what to say next, "D-do you need help getting up?" He decided to ask if she needs help since he made her sprain her ankle from the looks of things. A demon would be easier to deal with than talking to a classmate he nearly shot, he underestimated his social anxiety.