The funny man seemed to ignore the little seraphim. Which angered her at most. She was about to insult him when a cultist tried to ambush her from behind. Shanna dodged as she felt the wind behind her seemed to be swept away like a bullet piercing the air. It was a thrown pike, aimed directly to her head, the blade nearly touched her face as she moves away. With a flick of her hand, and her stave's orb turning white, air sliced the cultist into thin smiling shreds. Literally. Shanna landed on the ground to avoid detection. Dodging cultists that smelled of.. '[color=lightcoral][i]I thought Dolofon spearhedead this crazy revolution?! Why are there seraphims within the enemy ranks?![/i][/color]' Shanna questioned herself. To satisfy her thoughts he threw her stave towards a seraphim cultist, the stave spun and hits the seraphim on it's legs and the cultist stumbled. Shanna jumped and pinned the cultist on the ground, catching the stave in midair as it boomeranged back towards her. She raised her stave and pointed it towards the cultist, the orb glowing green. The cultist felt that something sharp is threatening him under his back. Spiked stones. "[color=lightcoral]What is your objective?![/color]" Shanna asked loudly. The cultist, that was masked in black, erupted a wheezing laugh coming from his throat that sounded dry. "[color=magenta]A free land.[/color]" The cultist answered. "[color=magenta] Where [i]he[/i] reigns all.[/color]" The cultist added, underneath the mask she can feel the seraphim smiling sweetly. '[i]Sicko[/i]' "[color=lightcoral]Who is [i]he[/i]?[/color]" She asked, placing a threatening gaze. Which is virtually impossible because it seemed that this seraphim did not know her and was underestimating her. "[color=magenta]I would never share alour information to a [i]profligate[/i][/color]" The cultist spat the word with disgust. He sneered. Shanna wasted no time to summon the spiked stone up, stabbing the cultist in his side. The blood splattered on the little seraphim's white armor. The cultist screamed and struggled as the stone spiked impaled him. "[color=lightcoral]Did you know the best way to a man's heart?[/color]" Shanna asked in a darkly sweet tone. The cultist watched her in anger, but he didn't respond. Shanna laughed darkly in her signature way. "[color=lightcoral][b][i]Between the fourth and fifth rib.[/i][/b][/color]" Shanna grinned, brandishing her stave. "[color=magenta] Kill me, seraphim. For I would not share information to you, or [i]your brothers and sisters[/i].[/color]" He scowled under the mask. Fire danced in Shanna's eyes, blazing with rage as she grinned darkly. She replied menacingly. "[color=lightcoral][i]Granted.[/i][/color]" Shanna jumped away as humongous spikes erupted under the cultist, tearing him apart from limb to limb. Shanna watched in silence, then ran away to help fight other cultists. Then she saw the dragon bringing out a racket. She sensed dangrr a conjured a portal underneath her and she fell on it, then kept on portal-jumping away from the battlefield. [hider=Trivia cuz wynaut] The words "Do you know what is the best way to a man's heart? Between the fourth and fifth rib." Came from Klethi- A recruitable companion in the game Mount and Blades: Warband. [/hider] [@Rai] [@Landaus Five-One]