[@Bornlucky] [b]Uchima Senior High - Practice Building -> Classroom Building????????[/b] The girl breathed in. It was a deep breath, and as she released it, Ryoma could see Ai Hanazawa's entire body deflate in relief as the stress and panic died down. She was still trembling slightly, although whether it be from the pain or the growing chill wasn't obvious. Except it was clear she wasn't trying to let any of it affect her. Not now. A weak smile - so fragile, so wavering - was plastered onto her pale face. "I-I'm not the type of girl who would scream like that!" she said in half-protest, half false-indignance. "You did this, so take responsibility like a man and help me up!" It was played-up. Pretending that everything was okay and that there wasn't obvious worry and pain and fear making everything she said. That they weren't in a hall growing colder. The sight of Ryoma alive had her seem less jittery, reassured, but the undercurrent of fright and worry for him was still there. [sup][right][I][s]It was so cold, so so do cold and who was that standing in the hall relief she would be okay frozen no no no couldn't be him? Cold, so cold the skin hurts a- a dream?[/s][/I][/right][/sup] Her breaths were slower now. It was okay. The breeze whispered.