[color=8eafdf][h3]Sonya[/h3][/color] As the night wore on, Sonya eventually found the fatigue of the day's event catching up with her as it became harder to keep her thoughts in order and she struggled to find the right words. As the idea of sleep crawled from the edges of her mind and vision, she bid Odessa farewell for the night, knowing the two of them would meet once more in the morning. Making her way through the campsite illuminated by the moonlight and flickering flame of the torches, Sonya managed to keep herself steady until she was inside her tent before succumbing to exhaustion and falling asleep Despite her tired she was, Sonya was a creature of habit and awoke shortly after the rising of the sun, its rays filtering through the tent and bringing the world to life. Though it was still early, the camp was already beginning to buzz with activity with a number of militia, though others would unlikely to be getting up before midday without help given the amount of liquor that had been consumed. Even with the activity throughout the camp, it was a relatively quiet morning, the songs of birds and other wildlife filtering through the air as Sonya managed to find the energy to shuffle out of her tent. Breathing in the cool morning air deeply and catching the smell of warm food, it was hard not to find such sensations relieving compared to the blood and chaos of the day before. Taking a moment to visit the Triage tent, Sonya did what little could be done to ensure some comfort for those remaining but did not allow herself to linger as she recalled Amare’s words from the night before. To keep herself occupied, she headed to the location of the meeting early, waiting for the others to arrive and keeping an eye out in particular for Odessa. As the others trickled in, eventually Silas arrived as well, allowing the meeting to begin.[color=8eafdf][i]’Plenty of information, but all to the point. No doubt Silas would be eager to get moving before we join up with the rest of the force and the former commander recovers[/i][/color] Sonya mused to herself, somewhat impressed with how effectively Silas and Dixon managed to work. As Silas made his reveal though Sonya was surprised, given the way the man had fought and led the others the previous day she could not have guessed his background. More than that, she could not help but ponder if such a revelation could give a clue as to his motives [color=8eafdf][i]’Such a fate could easily lead one down a road of Vengeance, I wonder if such a fire burns within his heart and his front so far is just a facade[/i][/color]. Though Silas had opened the floor to challenges, Sonya took the chance to raise a question [color=8eafdf][b]”I would not question your skills as a commander, they were proven enough yesterday in my eyes; but I would pose a question - For what reason do you find support the Empire given history with it?”[/b][/color] both out of natural curiosity and a desire to know more about his character given she would be joining a group with him as the head