[quote=@Dealdric] [color=ed1c24]"Thou have our undieing attention, masters of the camp"[/color] Eldrich said through Neemious while shifting in place to show respect. [/quote] [color=bc8dbf]"You may stay in whatever form is most comfortable to you gargoyle. It make no difference to us."[/color] The counselors answered together. [color=a187be]"We know you are all excited about meeting others like you. For many of you this is the first time you have met others like yourselves. We want to encourage you to build friendships. But it is also import that we teach you to control your powers and blend in. We have many activities in mind to help you achieve these three goals. If you haven't been assigned a cabin please stand to the right. Those of you who have cabins to the left. We will get everyone settled first. While we are doing that please think about what things you would like to do this summer. Once everyone is settled we will start arts and crafts. We would like for you to pair up with someone you haven't interacted with yet." [/color] [quote=@deerling] [color=7bcdc8]"Who are they..?"[/color] She asked Ivy. [/quote] [color=ed1c24]"THOSE ARE THE COUNSELORS! THEY ARE IN CHARGE! THEIR KIND OF STRANGE. THEY MOVE AND TALK IN UNISON! THEY WILL GIVE YOU A CABIN TO STAY IN AND THEN YOU CAN JOIN US FOR THE NEXT ACTIVITY!"[/color] Ivy answered. [@DriveEMOut] [@LiegeLord] [@Mangrale] [@Mistiel] [@Dealdric] [@CajunRobinHood]