Baron sighed, he really hated towns like this. Large cities always seemed to be filled with hostile people just looking for an excuse to fight. And not a real fight, but a pissing contest. He wasn't sure what made these people think they could intimidate someone with a lot of curses. It really baffled him. Not only that, but anytime he drew his sword, they began to cower. It really made him sick. In his earlier life, he would have laughed at the idea of huge cities made up of bullies...but here he was, in one As he walked past the doorway of a bar, an obviously drunken man came wobbling out and bumped into him, falling on his rear. Oh sure, Baron could feel him coming, he just didn't get out of the way. It wasn't that he lacked manners, he was just in a really bad mood from having to deal with the bad attitudes of the people here "Hey!" the drunk cried out "watch where you're going! What are you, bli-" Before he could finish that sentence, Baron turned his face to him and lifted the x shaped blindfold on his face "yes. Yes I am blind." Putting his blindfold back in place, he left before the drunk could reply. That was something that had always bugged him; just what did his eyes look like? The very sight of them seemed to scare people (and he could recall one time when they caused a small child to cry). It was something that nagged at him. 'Well at least I can get out of this cesspool' he thought to himself 'hopefully then my mood will improve'