[@Oni_] - Haha! I was thinking of calculating the forces involved, but decided I'd rather do FEA on some of my robot parts instead. I guess I'm in a mood where pretty blue-to-red gradients are what my brain wants. The good news is that the part I designed can take the shock load I'm going to put on it! I probably should have made sure of that before I sent it to manufacturing, but cart, horse, Naril's laziness, inherent lack of sigmas in combat robotics, etc. In at least one of the [i]Hyperion[/i] novels, death from the crushing force of a relativistic jump (it might have actually been relativistic-to-FTL, I don't remember) was a necessary part of certain kinds of travel. There was a piece of Space Magic (the Cruciform parasite, I think?) that reconstituted and resurrected people after being liquefied during the trip. Sort of gruesome, but it's one of my favorite applications of Space Magic regarding faster-than-light travel. I think our Space Magic is more akin to some kind of extradimensional bridge/folding the universe/that kind of thing rather than actual delta-V. Maybe we have a borrowed Culture ultraspace/infraspace traction drive. That should help avoid having zetta-Newtons of force acting on the ship over short impulses, I think. :3 I don't have any plans tonight other than taking myself to dinner, so I'll probably write something in the hotel.