It was a grueling scuffle with both sides exchanging blows with Evvie somehow at a clear disadvantage for the time being. It was hard for her to effectively use her fire lance in this close proximity so she began to form it into a sword so that she could try and slash away at her attacker and hopefully turn the tide in her favor. Until then all she could do with her weapon was smack against the side of her body with the blunt pole and hope the fire would do some damage. As they fought she lost ground, trying to pull back as she accumulated more and more damage that would most certainly hurt in the morning. It was for this moment when she wanted a nice coating of scale armor, but with such a persistent beating there was no way she could successfully form them. After a particularly heavy blow she was knocked backwards, landing on her butt and barely managing to keep a hold of her weapon. She jousted the tip up at her to try to fend her off.