While Kaleeth did not immediately have an answer, she did find herself more easily able to reason through some potential solutions to the problem. While it had been quite a while, she did still have some memories of what it was like to be a child. "Let's see...she is still young. In my village, she would have been closer to a young woman than a child, but I don't think Aurana's upbringing would really encourage her to be mature. One of the biggest things I was afraid of as a child was being punished by my parents, so that is probably what is keeping her from saying anything now. If she isn't afraid of being punished, then she might be brave enough to speak out to her parents. But, I don't know if there is a way to keep her from being punished without you showing up to talk to her parents." --- While most who knew Lunise would be shocked to see her in such a state, Meesei's sympathetic expression did not waver in the slightest. "Do not be ashamed, Lunise. I have been in your shoes before; breaking down from stress, extreme loss, or any other number of reasons. I have found myself in such hopeless despair, but...i still remember vividly the first time I was caught in such a state. I remember my daughter lightly stepping into my chamber, at first shocked and horrified at whatever could bring the Champion to tears. I remember her hugging me as tightly as she could and just...feeling calm. I remember feeling the love and compassion she had for me; it reminded me of what I was fighting for." Leaving her own memories, Meesei focused more completely on Lunise. "I know your situation is different. You do not have as close of relations to others, but that does not mean you deserve to feel alone. We have known each other for years, but as Elves reckon time, I know we would barely be considered acquaintances. Strangers. But, well, I believe you may find yourself surprised at the capacity some 'strangers' have for compassion. It may be true that your world is going to change irreversibly, that you may be burdened with some of the greatest challenges that any mortal has ever faced. But, I say with no uncertain terms..." Meesei began, finally moving her hand from Lunise's shoulder so she could reach around her body to give her a hug. "...you are [b]not[/b] alone." She said with a certain, undeniable confidence.