[center] [h1][i]A[sub]lice[/sub] A[sub]manda[/sub] A[sub]nette[/sub] A[sub]nderson[/sub][/i][/h1][/center][hr] "Sure, I'll just be unloading my stuff." Alice took a moment to check on Mikayla before beginning to unpack her things. There wasn't much to unpack, as she was rather frugal with her things. Anything she didn't need she'd leave behind - of course, she didn't doubt that by the end of the year she'd leave with more stuff than what she came with. It was somewhat embarrassing to admit, but every once in awhile she decided to just go on a shopping spree. It was pretty much her indulging in the money she made, and when those moments were compounded over the course of the year, by the end, she'd managed to amass a sizable collection of purchases. Her room was set up simply, more for practicality than for aesthetic, though she did go out of her way to make it look presentable in a homey way. The only object that looked out of place was a child sized shirt that was pressed inside a picture frame. It was given a place of honor in the empty space beside the window that gave it a lot of exposure. When Mikayla spoke to her again, she was almost finished with unpacking. Taking a break, she faced her partner, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Hmm . . . well, same with me, really," she said with a shrug. She wasn't the strictest person, all things considered. There was [i]one[/i] thing though . . . "One question though: you listen to screamo music? It's just not my thing," she added. She had a wide variety of musical tastes, but for the life of her she couldn't [i]stand[/i] screamo. It just wasn't fun to listen to and as someone who enjoyed listening to punk rock even she found it too loud.[hr][@karamonnom]