[center][u][h3][color=f26522]Mirko Dubrinic[/color][/h3][/u][/center] The young boy was starting to feel more uncomfortable, as he walked deeper into the dark forest like region. Maybe he should turn around and go back, he wondered to himself quite a few times. He didnt do it because he was no scared weakling, they needed a hero so what hero runs away from a bit of dark. Even if the sounds and wind made him feel like something bad was inside these woods. Or worse even following him. Yet each time he turned around there was no one there. "I am imagining things, thats all." He talked to himself and hugged his bag closer to himself like one would do a stuffed animal. [h3][color=9e005d]Candlemon[/color][/h3] He was hiding in the shadows, which was a bit hard when you have a flame on top of your white wax body. Surprisingly enough he was managing to avoid most digimon around. He knew there were recruiters in this sector searching out digimon willing to fight in the war. Candlemon hated the war. He didnt want to have anything to do with either side. But being a neutral would be difficult the more time this went on. He was a coward wanting to live, and not dying. He didnt know what he should do, any longer... His silent musing was interrupted when he heard a voice talking not too far away from him. He had to know if it belonged to something dangerous or not. Staying behind a tree he spotted its owner. He nearly gasped and outed himself right there and then. A human boy was walking towards the section of the woods Candlemon knew that soldier digimon recently wandered. He tried his best not to cross paths with that fellow. The war was happening because of those creatures. He started to keep an eye from the distance. That what he was watching was the reason he lost him... The reason... That human... He was only a child, looking horrible lost at the moment. Candlemon fire winced silently. He knew he should run away... but he didnt have it in him to leave a kid to die. Indecisive about what should he be doing he kept following the boy.